Help with lofts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by voodoochile, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. voodoochile

    voodoochile Guest

    Looking at this tutorial

    I am a bit puzzled how you do a lofted surface/filled surface around a
    curves path?

    This is the only tutorial I can find regarding lofted surface/filled

    I am fine with simple lofts in a striaght line. But when I try curved paths
    it doesn't work. (error about not interecting the objects)

    Have you guys any tips or even better a tutorial?
    voodoochile, Nov 12, 2005
  2. voodoochile

    TOP Guest

    You are asking about lofts and filled surfaces, but the terminology is
    that of a sweep. What are you trying to do?

    If you search the newsgroup you will find the standard answer to be:

    Go to the DiMonte Group

    Download Ed Eaton's Curvy Stuff tutorials.

    Ed also will be doing seminars on this material at SolidWorks World.
    Others will also be presenting.
    TOP, Nov 13, 2005
  3. voodoochile

    jmather Guest

    jmather, Nov 13, 2005
  4. voodoochile

    ed1701 Guest

    Tip - this is a great place to come for help, but you might want to
    take a look at the loft dialog and double check the names of the boxes
    you are entering things into - there are no 'paths' in loft, but there
    is a section for 'guide curves' and for a 'centerline'. I assume you
    mean one of those two when you mention a 'path'. When we know what you
    are actually trying to do, we will be better able to help you out.

    I also have to assume that the error was 'not interSecting the
    curves/profiles' or something like that - it's best to write down
    exactly what it says if you are asking for help.

    Based on the guesses I have to make based on what you posted, it looks
    like your guide curves do not actually intersect in 3D space with your
    loft profiles. When you loft in SWx, you can't futz around - you have
    to be precise or everything can go horribly, horribly wrong. Guide
    curves need to 'intersect' with profiles, not just go kinda near them.
    (not related to your problem, but good to know: You also have to be
    sure that the start and end tangency vectors of the guide curves
    matches the start and end tangency directions of the loft or you give
    SWx a conflict that it has to resolve - and SWx is not very good at
    guessing what you really want when you tell it to do two different
    things at the same time)
    ed1701, Nov 14, 2005
  5. voodoochile

    CAD Junkie Guest

    That is a great tutorial that you are going through if you are trying
    to understand lofting more non-prismatic shapes.

    When you are creating that loft only choose the surface edge to the
    bottom curve as the profiles. Then choose the 3 or 4 (I forget) as the
    guide curves.
    CAD Junkie, Nov 14, 2005
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