help with listing points

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Stephen Larsen, Jul 11, 2004.

  1. I have a 2000 contour drawing from a client, I want to list all end points
    of all lines. when I list a line I just get the raduis point for that
    Is there an easy way to list all the end points for a drawing, in R2000, or

    Thanks in advance for any help
    I'm sure you can figure out I'm kind of new to autocad.
    Stephen Larsen, Jul 11, 2004
  2. A line DOES NOT have a radius.
    It's not just a semantic distinction between lines and arcs or plines or
    to AutoCAD it makes a huge difference.

    You need to know what you've got in the drawing.


    at the command prompt and then picking an entity
    will give you the association list of that entity. In the case of lines,
    the second part of the pair starting with (10 . is the start point and
    that starting with (11 . is the end point. With an arc, the (10 . is the
    and (50 . is the angle from the center to the start point, and (51 . is
    the angle to the endpoint, and (40 . is the radius.

    If you are new to the app, LISP might be a few years off,
    if you're fairly normal. You will probably need luck or a favor.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 11, 2004
  3. Stephen Larsen

    bestafor Guest

    Go to and in the "get the code" section look for a program
    by T. Hotchkis 12/2002 that lists end points and points to a CDF .
    bestafor, Jul 12, 2004
  4. Stephen Larsen

    Tim Badger Guest

    Stephen, contours are usually (not in all cases though) represented by
    polylines (plines). These are made up of line and arc segements. But in
    you case it sounds like the plines may have been exploded resulting in a
    series of line and arc objects. Now more into your post... When you list an
    arc entity in returns the Center point, radius, start and end angle and its
    length... is what you require the start and end point of an arc or is it all
    of the start - end points along the contour? You post is a little confusing
    to me, please clarify.

    Tim Badger
    Tim Badger, Jul 12, 2004
  5. Stephen Larsen

    Per Corell Guest


    It alway's made me wonder, as it shuld be easy to start pointing to a
    line segment and in a list where all points for all entities is just
    put in with no order but the corrosponding entity and it's points ,to
    find the entity that show the smallest distance ,and when found add
    the points to a new point list so the line segments can be
    With conturs you could even put up rules so you point out the max
    distance you will accept ,so the process can stop when there are no
    line segments close enough and the program proberly are jumping to the
    next exploded coutour line.
    Per Corell, Jul 12, 2004
  6. Stephen Larsen

    Tim Badger Guest

    Per, interesting! I wrote a small utility (quite some time ago) that would
    automatically seek out all lines, plines or arcs that could actually be
    connected together from the start and end points of a selected object and
    allowed the user to convert these into a pline. It also gave some other
    abilities. But allowing for a search distance at the end points is an
    interesting thought. The only thing that jumps out at this time, would the
    user want the attaching segments to possibly have to change the x,y,z
    location that would cause an angle change of the attaching segment.

    Tim Badger
    Tim Badger, Jul 12, 2004
  7. Stephen Larsen

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Hmmm...., what application is creating ARC segments in contour lines?
    Never seen that.
    R.K. McSwain, Jul 15, 2004
  8. Stephen Larsen

    Tim Badger Guest

    You are absolutly right Rick. I made this fumpa because after generating
    contours I automatically run a custom command to smooth out the contours and
    it uses the pline fit option for certain segments and this results in
    contour plines being generated using arcs and lines. My mistake.

    Tim Badger
    Tim Badger, Jul 15, 2004
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