Help with joining

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by lalawson, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. lalawson

    Harvey Guest

    You're not missing anything, Ric.

    I think it was a matter of not knowing how the basic functions of the program work.

    She seems to be a quilter (another acolyte, Ann) and she was trying to create a
    design in AS for this endeavor. At least that's my guess.

    It wouldn't surprise me if she's back here to ask a few questions after she's had
    a chance to read through the Getting Started file.

    Cute stuff.

    Harvey, Apr 16, 2004
  2. lalawson

    Dave Guest

    Her drawing was created using the sketch polyline......
    She was going through all the correct steps.

    The Problem IS -- "maxium number of points already exist" was a message
    that appeared while attempting 'trim join.'

    She knew how to 'translate', that was not her problem. She wanted everything
    'trim joined'

    Dave, Apr 16, 2004
  3. lalawson

    Harvey Guest


    That's the way *I* read it also, David. I didn't spot the maximum part. That could
    have been the problem. I was hoping that exploding would help her. But it seems not.

    In any event, I don't think we've heard the last from her. And this is the longest
    thread in the AS newsgroup that *I've* seen since I began lurking, about 5 or 6
    years ago. What could be bad?

    People get interesting information even from answers that don't solve the problem
    at hand.

    Harvey, Apr 16, 2004
  4. lalawson

    Harvey Guest


    When you complete the print run for your book, and it's available, please post
    that on the newsgroup.

    Hopefully you had someone familiar with the English language proof same before
    this printing.

    Harvey, galley-reader to the Stars.
    Harvey, Apr 16, 2004
  5. lalawson

    lalawson Guest

    Nope you've not heard the last of me yet LOL!!! I am a quilter and I think Dave understands what I'm trying to do. I do understand the basics. I've worked with Corel, Fireworks, and a few other graphics programs and really am not having problems with the basic functions of AutoSketch.

    What I am trying to do however cannot happen in AutoSketch. I think it must have something to do maybe with my overlapping lines and maybe my points. I thought I could get around my CAD drawing inadequacies by doing polylines using a Intuos2 Pen and Tablet but I see that I'll have to go and teach myself to use the arcs more and hopefully that will not create so many polylines when converted.

    About the number of responses to this post...... this is interesting that this could cause so many responses LOL!!! I also own/developed a site with forums on it and it's not uncommon at all to have 15-30 replys to a post. I guess there must be more quilters than AutoSketch users. ;) Either that or women are more talkative then men LOL!!! One of my members just celebrated her 1000 post!!!!

    I appreciate all the time and attention you all have given to me and my problem. I think I just might have hit upon something however that AutoSketch is not capible of doing. I won't fight the program anymore and will work on the other end of system with the machine software programer.

    Thanks again,
    Linda Lawson

    My program for my computerized quilting machine requires the line is continuous and the ONLY way to achieve this is to "trim-join". I did see that maximum number of points was coming up and didn't really know what that was about. If that is causing me the problems, I have no idea how to change that and can not find anything about that in the manual or the word document Harvey sent me. I wondered if this was related to "rubber band entities" and set that up to meet the number of points in my design just in case. That obviously didn't make a difference.

    I'm to the point now in working with the quilting machine's programer and seeing if there could be a way to just join the elements with end points and not having to actually "join" them. I actually have this working but the machine stops at every place that I've tried to join. Not a big deal but this needs to be changed.
    lalawson, Apr 17, 2004
  6. lalawson

    Harvey Guest


    Why don't you zip up your AS drawing and download it as an attachment, to the
    AutoDesk Customer Files area. Title it appropriately so we can find it. Reference
    it here if you wish.

    Let some of the whizzers here take a look and maybe there are simple entities that
    can be substituted for the polylines such that TrimJoining will work out.

    You can access the CF area from where you can add it to
    your mailer/newreader (NNTP) or use your browser directly. I prefer the former.
    Your choice.

    Harvey, Apr 17, 2004
  7. lalawson

    Harvey Guest

    Ah well, Linda,

    This really should be in the CF area, Ann may move it there. But I've DL-ed it
    from here. When opportunity strikes I'll noodle around with it. If Len, Paul, Ric
    or others see it here, maybe they'll do the same.

    Stay tuned for further announcements. And your check is in the mail.

    Harvey, Apr 18, 2004
  8. lalawson

    Rod Hulbert Guest


    I think Dave's observation about exceeding maximum points is the major
    problem here. There does not appear to be a way to increase the number of
    points available, but you can decrease the number of points the polyline
    uses. Go to Tools>Drawing Options>Drawing>Polyline Sketch Units and
    increase the number here will reduce the number of polylines. (Click on the
    ? at the top of the dialog box and click on the entry box will show a help
    message about this.) The major problem is, can you increase the number
    enough to allow joining without making the drawing two jagged to be
    Overlapping lines will interfere with joining, but only where they overlap.
    You can still join to parts of a line that are not overlapped.


    Dave understands what I'm trying to do. I do understand the basics. I've
    worked with Corel, Fireworks, and a few other graphics programs and really
    am not having problems with the basic functions of AutoSketch.
    must have something to do maybe with my overlapping lines and maybe my
    points. I thought I could get around my CAD drawing inadequacies by doing
    polylines using a Intuos2 Pen and Tablet but I see that I'll have to go and
    teach myself to use the arcs more and hopefully that will not create so many
    polylines when converted.
    this could cause so many responses LOL!!! I also own/developed a site with
    forums on it and it's not uncommon at all to have 15-30 replys to a post. I
    guess there must be more quilters than AutoSketch users. ;) Either that or
    women are more talkative then men LOL!!! One of my members just celebrated
    her 1000 post!!!!
    oblem. I think I just might have hit upon something however that AutoSketch
    is not capible of doing. I won't fight the program anymore and will work on
    the other end of system with the machine software programer.
    continuous and the ONLY way to achieve this is to "trim-join". I did see
    that maximum number of points was coming up and didn't really know what that
    was about. If that is causing me the problems, I have no idea how to change
    that and can not find anything about that in the manual or the word document
    Harvey sent me. I wondered if this was related to "rubber band entities"
    and set that up to meet the number of points in my design just in case.
    That obviously didn't make a difference.
    seeing if there could be a way to just join the elements with end points and
    not having to actually "join" them. I actually have this working but the
    machine stops at every place that I've tried to join. Not a big deal but
    this needs to be changed.
    Rod Hulbert, Apr 18, 2004
  9. lalawson

    Harvey Guest


    Lemme make a suggestion:

    Draw one quarter of your design using polyline, say the top left. Drag-Select it,
    r-click and Group. Then use the Mirror tool with an approrpriate EndPoint to draw
    another quarter. Type V or H depending on how yhou Mirror.

    You should now have half the drawing. Drag-Select both, Group it and Mirror that
    for the entire design.

    No joining should be necessary.

    I did that with your drawing and it seemed totally joined. The issue is it's
    SYMMETRIC! Symmetric quilts aren't necessarily esthetic and you may not want that.
    Best I could do.

    I think Rod's suggestion was right as usual, but the design would be a bit cranky.

    Another suggestion. Get the drawing close to what you want with the polyline, and
    then use the Fitted Curve tool, tracing over your drawing. Then delete the
    polyline. The curves will be quite smooth. I did that with your drawing as it was
    presented. Seemed to work...

    Yeah I think I'd use the last. You don't even need to use the polyline, just the
    Fitted Curve tool.

    Harvey, Apr 19, 2004
  10. lalawson

    Anne Brown Guest

    Welcome back Harvey! Attachments up to 1 meg are now allowed in
    all discussion groups. Zipping is alway appreciated for those
    users who are still on phone modems.
    Anne Brown
    Discussion Groups Administrator
    Autodesk, Inc.

    Anne Brown, Apr 19, 2004
  11. lalawson

    Harvey Guest

    I'd be interested in anyone else's notions as an alternative suggestion, yet
    another way to skin the cat (goodness knows how this ever became an expression). I
    think that the Fitted Curve oughta work out.


    Harvey, Apr 19, 2004
  12. lalawson

    Harvey Guest

    Ahhhh, times have changed, Anne.

    This 1Meg business being the case, I suspect you're now on cable or DSL - or you
    oughta be by now. Otherwise you couldn't possibly parse 30 or more groups.

    And you should see Linda's quilt design. She's using CAD to do it! Pretty nifty.

    Why wouldn't I be surprised if I heard that you weren't using CAD for *your*
    designs? I think you're too pristine for that - has to be pencil, paper and a few
    drafting tools from days of yore, if you can find them in the scut of the Maine


    Harvey, Apr 19, 2004
  13. lalawson

    Anne Brown Guest

    We've got lots of paper mills up here so sketch paper abounds.
    However I DO use ACAD to draft quilt patterns or fortunately have
    much better versed ACAD folks at my beck and call (read that as

    I love ARRAY! <G>

    Anne Brown, Apr 19, 2004
  14. lalawson

    Harvey Guest


    You might want to send this loverly jpg to Anne (our moderator) directly, in case
    she doesn't see it. She's a heavy-duty quilter and organizer of some note. I've
    seen her work, not trivial.

    May be that you two would have an interesting interaction.

    Just a thought.

    BTW, nice work! Your compuquilter does a nifty job. And how did you eventually
    handle this?

    Harvey, May 29, 2004
  15. lalawson

    Anne Brown Guest

    Linda -

    GORGEOUS piece of whole cloth work. My hands are such that I can
    no longer do hand quilting but can use my Bernina to do most
    machine quilting I want. Excellent pattern work.

    Anne Brown, May 30, 2004
  16. lalawson

    Ric Norris Guest

    Ric Norris, Jun 1, 2004
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