Help with crashing (SWX freezes)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John H, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. John H

    John H Guest

    I know there are plenty of people who have problems with SWX crashing, so
    I'm not sure if I'm going to get any help here, but here goes.........before
    I go insane.

    I get a fairly regular crash of SWX (2006sp5.0) first thing in the morning,
    whereby SWX freezes. It occasionally happens as soon as I hit file/open,
    sometimes when I'm part way through opening a file, and sometimes a few
    minutes after I have opened a file.
    It certainly happens most days within the first 15 mins of use - usually
    much quicker.

    The way it freezes is very specific. SWX stops responding, the network icon
    (in the status bar) stays "on", and if I try to use any menu in Windows
    (XPsp2) or another app the menu first appears transparent. As soon as I
    move my mouse to traverse the menu, it becomes opaque (i.e. normal), but
    whatever menu item I select becomes left permanently on the screen.
    For example, if I quit the frozen SWX by RMB on its button on the task bar
    and select "close", I'm left with the "X Close Alt+F4" menu item on the

    It only does this once per day, and I have no problems with any other app.
    Once it has happened, SWX then performs normally - i.e. just get the typical
    CTD once or twice, that many others seem to get!!

    I completely uninstalled and reinstalled SWX last week, to no avail.
    NTCadCam have been no help. I'm using a Dell Precision 380 with certified
    nVidia driver.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    John H
    John H, Nov 21, 2006
  2. John H

    John H Guest

    This was my VAR's suggestion too. In fact, I had changed to the latest
    "certified" driver for the QuadroFX540, only to find that this one wasn't
    certified for use in my Dell workstation. I therefore have reverted to the
    latest one certified for use with the Dell. It made no difference.
    I believe so......copy SWX settings, turn off antivirus and Spybot and
    firewall , uninstall, delete folder and remove registry entries. Reinstall.
    Restore copied settings.
    John H
    John H, Nov 21, 2006
  3. John H

    neilscad Guest

    2 general guesses -
    1.your pc has a dodgy component or joint somewhere that is ok once
    warmed up.
    possibly power supply or graphcs card.
    a,try setting software opengl tonight for a cold start tomorrow morning
    without it or swap it out....
    b.leave the pc on all night tommorrow and see if there is an issue with
    launching SW the next day
    2. there is some disruptive synchronisation activity going on with the
    network when you first logon?
    neilscad, Nov 21, 2006
  4. John H

    John H Guest

    Thanks for the suggestions - please see comments below.

    If I ever had problems with other apps, then I could believe this.
    You can't easily rule out a grpahics card problem with 3D CAD!
    That's worth a try...
    Good point.
    There are a few possibilities to be tested:-
    - cold start i.e. powering on from stone cold (this is what I normally do
    and gives the problem)
    - warm start i.e. shutdown when warm and restart
    - log off and back on again
    This is my gut feeling, but I don't have any real evidence and I wouldn't
    know where to begin to prove it or solve it.

    John H
    John H, Nov 21, 2006
  5. John H

    Philippe Guest

    John H a écrit :

    1) What is your network system server ?
    2) Did you try to use SWX in local to see if that's a network problem or
    something else ?

    Philippe, Nov 21, 2006
  6. John H

    John H Guest

    I don't know what the hardware spec is, but it's running Windows Server 2003
    and I'm accessing it over a 100MBit wired network.

    Other users don't have this same problem.
    All the models/drawings are spread across multiple folders on the on the
    same network drive, plus my templates, toolbox parts, library features etc
    are on the network, so there's no way I can do any real work locally.

    As I mentioned, SWX sometimes freezes as soon as I hit file/open, so it's
    not as if it's simply choking when trying to open a big assembly across the

    If it is a network problem (oe which doesn't affect any other apps), does
    anyone have any tips to isolate and solve the problem?

    I haven't always had this problem, but I can't pinpoint what brought it on.
    Maybe it's another app that's interfering with SWX e.g. Symantec antivirus,
    Spybot, Copernic Desktop Search.
    Maybe there's some Windows corruption.

    John H
    John H, Nov 21, 2006
  7. You might try reseating the memory DIMMs.
    swx probably accesses more memory than your other apps.

    Re: networking
    Try taking the machine off the network completely for the cold boot.
    bill allemann, Nov 21, 2006
  8. John H

    MM Guest


    It could be a bad port on on a switch.

    It really sounds like it's trying to resolve a bunch of network paths before
    it can continue

    MM, Nov 21, 2006
  9. John H

    wc Guest

    You can do a 'File> Find References> Copy Files> I'd check the box to
    Preserve Directory Structure... Dump the whole assembly in a local temp

    Also uncheck Tools> Options> External References "Search file locations
    for external references"

    Restart, disconnect the network cable then try opening the top assembly
    file. This way you've got everything local and SW still has to work a
    little to pull from the new (same old, just local) folder structure.

    Should help isolate a network issue, maybe.

    I just spent a week and a half, trying to figure out why my local
    assemblies were causing trouble, only a complete reformat and new
    install of WinXP "cured" it.

    wc, Nov 21, 2006
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