Help with AddLightWeightPolyline

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mgray, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. mgray

    mgray Guest

    I am trying to take an array of coordinates from a polyline add a value to each one and use the new array to draw a new polyline with AddLightWeightPolyline. I keep getting the following error:

    "Too few elements in safearray or total number of elements is not a multiple of three"

    I dont know what a safearray is and my new array is of a length that is a multiple of 3.

    Also why is it a multiple of 3 if the coordinates of LWPolyline only returns the x and y values but no z value.

    Any help and snipits would be great
    mgray, Jul 7, 2004
  2. mgray

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    If you wanna add a new vertex to the polyline, I would suggest to use
    AddVertex method.

    Jürg Menzi, Jul 7, 2004
  3. mgray

    MP Guest

    perhaps posting the code would help finding the error

    each one and use the new array to draw a new polyline with
    AddLightWeightPolyline. I keep getting the following error:
    returns the x and y values but no z value.
    MP, Jul 7, 2004
  4. mgray

    mgray Guest

    Im trying to move all the points on the pline to new locations. I am not trying to add a vertex. See below. Thanks

    Sub mover()

    Dim plineObj As Variant
    Dim points() As Double

    ft = AreaObjsFilter("FilterType")
    fd = AreaObjsFilter("FilterData")

    Set ss = PowerSet("tempSS")
    ss.SelectOnScreen ft, fd

    For Each plineObj In ss
    ' Return all the coordinates of the polyline
    Dim retCoord As Variant
    retCoord = plineObj.Coordinates
    Dim y As Long
    y = 1

    Dim x As Variant
    For Each x In retCoord

    Debug.Print x
    ReDim points(y)
    points(y - 1) = x + 1.1
    y = y + 1

    ReDim points(y - 1)
    Debug.Print "Length " & UBound(points)

    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline (points)
    ThisDrawing.Regen True

    End Sub
    mgray, Jul 7, 2004
  5. Quick fix:
    retCoord = plineObj.Coordinates
    ReDim points(0 To UBound(retCoord)) 're-dim one time, to match the
    returned coordinates
    'ReDim points(y - 1) 'comment out this line

    Other ideas, ramblings, etc:
    -- When you re-dimmed points(y-1), you needed to use "ReDim Preserve"
    otherwise points() would be filled with zeroes
    -- I always like to specify both bounds when dimming so that my code does
    not run differently depending on "Option Base" setting
    -- If you are going to move all the vertices by the same amount for your
    final code, you could (I think) instead use .Copy and .Move to make a second

    Good luck,
    James Belshan, Jul 7, 2004
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