I just create a script ,this program is to create a spline and every point make a circle,my code got problem,and I don't know why this code not yet completed. Would you help me to correct it,thanks. (defun c:ccs (/ cir pt npt n idx cnt e) (setq cir (getreal " ENTER NEW RADIUS: ")) (while (setq pt (getpoint " Enter Point: ")) (setq npt (append npt (list pt)))) (setq n (length npt)) (setq idx 0) (setq cnt 0) (repeat n (setq e (nth cnt npt)) (princ " ")(princ e) (command "_spline" pt e "" "" "") (command "_circle" pt cir "" "_circle" e cir "") (setq cnt (1+ cnt))) (princ) )