help ... some advice

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Giorgis, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    I have decided to take the plunge. I moved to 2005 SP4.0 and at the
    same time they got me a new computer (bless their heart :)

    The problem is that I am getting the "Huge Bolts" issue. Is there a way
    to fix this and have them all be the correct size, even if I have to do
    it manualy.

    Edit Toolbox Definition does not work, so I can't change their size

    PS: I don't think I can get my hands on the old toolbox

    Any help would be appreciated
    Kind Thanks

    I have looked into
    as well as

    from good old

    Theer is also a 70 page + SW Toolbox manual I dread to go thru.
    Giorgis, Jul 20, 2005
  2. Giorgis

    SteveT Guest

    First make sure that Toolbox & Toolbox browser addins are turned on under

    Second what is the error message you are getting when Choosing "edit Toolbox
    definition"? This should be the way that you fix your bolts manually. You
    may need to reinstall / repair your installation if this is not working.

    Third you can also create a new assembly & start dragging & dropping the
    typical sized bolts & nuts into it & save that assembly. This should
    generate the actual configurations that your previous assemblies are looking
    for when you open them you should not get an error if you created all the
    different sizes. Later you can delete that temporary assembly.

    fourth you should always put your common data folder on your network drive &
    include it in your nightly backups so that this issue of loosing your old
    computer & data does not happen again.

    Hope that helps
    Steve T.
    SteveT, Jul 20, 2005
  3. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    I have SolidWorks Toolbox and Browser installed
    The Edit Toolbox definition is ghosted.

    Thnaks for the help, I have sort of come up with such a plan ...

    man this toolbox concept is fairly warped ?!?!

    Giorgis, Jul 20, 2005
  4. Giorgis

    matt Guest

    Yeah, the "huge screws", my favorite...

    The problem is that your Toolbox no longer has the sizes in it that your
    old toolbox had, and since it uses configurations, it just uses the last
    saved config, which is typically something huge. If you want to read
    about what's wrong with Toolbox, I've got a bit of something on my
    website, http:\\\mjlombard, go to the Rules of Thumb
    area, and there are a few Toolbox links.

    The way to get around it is to either get the old parts with the correct
    configurations or just make all the configs like the other poster said.
    Or better yet, turn off Toolbox, never use it again, and make your own

    Toolbox is obviously F_CKED. I have reason to believe it may get gutted
    and completely reinvented soon. They know what the problem is, and have
    known for years, it has just been a question of getting someone up the
    ladder to believe the problem existed (which was not as simple a fight
    as you would hope) and assign it a priority for development resources.
    Or at least that's my interpretation of the situation, which may or may
    not have anything to do with reality.

    matt, Jul 22, 2005
  5. Giorgis

    Bonobo Guest

    Time for the execs at SolidWorks to stop giving its customers a 'Big

    Bonobo, Jul 23, 2005
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