Help requested, Best approah to update text

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dan, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    I have a BOM made from individual text entitles.


    4 8 8 40808

    Values are:
    4 = size
    8= feet
    8 =inches
    40808=number as a whole

    I want to create a routine that would update the 3 numbers to the left of
    the whole value based upon that text string.
    The 4,8,8 values insertion point are an equal distance apart @ 6 11/16" ,
    and 8 1/2" from 40808.

    If the FEET or INCHES value is less than 10, add 0(Zero)
    If INCHES value is 12, set Inches to 0 and add 1 to FEET value

    I consider myself still very new to VBA. I have learned a great deal from
    this group, but I am not sure of how to approach this, or the code for it.

    Ideally, I want the code to prompt the user for text to edit (number as
    whole, 40808), then the code would update the numbers to the left

    Thanks for any help, code, guidance,
    Dan, Feb 28, 2005
  2. Dan

    Oberer Guest

    can you explain this a bit more please?

    Is this "4 8 8 40808" in your BOM, or the actual text string in the dwg?

    "Ideally, I want the code to prompt the user for text to edit (number as
    whole, 40808), then the code would update the numbers to the left automatically."

    Again, are we talking about updating your BOM, or the text in the dwg?

    "If the FEET or INCHES value is less than 10, add 0(Zero)"
    why 10 inches?
    Oberer, Feb 28, 2005
  3. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Sorry, fo not being clear. The BOM is just made up of separate text entities
    in the CAD drawing.
    Dan, Feb 28, 2005
  4. Dan

    Oberer Guest

    I gathered that much from the first post (that you create the BOM from the text objects).

    I'm stlil unclear on:
    Is this "4 8 8 40808" in your BOM, or the actual text string in the dwg?

    "Ideally, I want the code to prompt the user for text to edit (number as
    Perhaps an example would be better?
    Oberer, Feb 28, 2005
  5. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Hope this clears what I am trying to do. Its not very easy to explain,
    sorry. Thanks for the assistance!

    They are actual text string entitied in the drawing.
    Updating the text in the drawing
    Example drawing picture and dwg. file provided.

    Example would be
    4 8 8 = 40808 (zero is to be removed)
    4 10 10 = 41010

    41208 = (converted by vba) 40508
    Dan, Feb 28, 2005
  6. Dan, While you write something
    more elegant. this should save
    you a few key strokes. didn't
    change the blue text, add
    if necessary.



    Option Explicit

    Sub oit()
    Dim oText As AcadText
    Dim oText1 As AcadText
    Dim genObject As acadObject
    Dim pickPoint, newString

    With ThisDrawing
    .Utility.GetEntity oText, _
    pickPoint, "GrabText"
    newString = InputBox("NewString")

    For Each genObject In .ModelSpace
    If TypeOf genObject Is AcadText Then

    Set oText1 = genObject

    If oText1.insertionPoint(1) = _
    oText.insertionPoint(1) Then

    Select Case _
    Round(oText1.insertionPoint(0), 0)
    Case 8
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 1)
    Case 14
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 3, 1)
    Case 21
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 5, 1)
    End Select

    End If

    End If

    Next genObject

    oText.TextString = newString

    End With

    End Sub
    Paul Richardson, Mar 1, 2005
  7. Paul,
    I like the way you used the Round function to create selection windows.
    Makes for a great quick solution. Here's my contribution... I added a loop
    and the logic for converting 12" to 1'.

    Sub oit()
    Dim oText As AcadText
    Dim oText1 As AcadText
    Dim genObject As AcadObject
    Dim pickPoint, newString
    Dim returnObj As AcadObject
    Dim dft As Long, din As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    With ThisDrawing
    .Utility.GetEntity returnObj, _
    pickPoint, "Select the MK text object:" & vbCr
    If Err <> 0 Then
    Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo 0
    If TypeOf returnObj Is AcadText Then
    Set oText = returnObj
    newString = InputBox("NewString", , oText.TextString)
    'convert 12" to 1'
    dft = Val(Mid(newString, 2, 2))
    din = Val(Mid(newString, 4, 2))
    If din = 12 Then
    din = 0
    dft = dft + 1
    End If
    ' if you want to keep the "12" in the MK text then
    comment out
    '   the following line
    newString = Mid(newString, 1, 1) & Format(dft, "00") &
    Format(din, "00")
    For Each genObject In .ModelSpace
    If TypeOf genObject Is AcadText Then
    Set oText1 = genObject
    If oText1.InsertionPoint(1) = _
    oText.InsertionPoint(1) Then
    Select Case _
    Round(oText1.InsertionPoint(0), 0)
    Case 8
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 1)
    Case 14
    oText1.TextString = Str(dft)
    Case 21
    oText1.TextString = Str(din)
    End Select
    End If
    End If
    Next genObject
    End If
    oText.TextString = newString
    End If
    End With
    End Sub
    James Belshan, Mar 1, 2005
  8. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Thank you Mr. Paul Richardson,
    WOW! Some very good approaches I did not think of.
    I will work on it, and post back soon, Thank you very much for your effort,
    upon completion, this will save MANY keystrokes.
    Dan, Mar 1, 2005
  9. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Thank you Mr. James Belshan,
    I will work on it, and post back soon, Thank you very much for your effort,
    upon completion, this will save MANY MANY keystrokes.
    Dan, Mar 1, 2005
  10. Hey James,

    Home with a busted leg, one of the good ones...ouch.
    Figured I would get him started. How is every little?


    Paul Richardson, Mar 1, 2005
  11. Dan

    Dan Guest

    I have read the code, ans stepped through it many times. I believe I
    understand most of what is going on, but I do not understand the line
    "Select Case _
    Round(oText1.InsertionPoint(0), 0)"

    I did add some lines of code to work with 6 digit mk numbers.
    I believe the MID functions were setup for only 5 digit mk numbers.

    I ran some tests with the sample drawing provided, and get the following:

    Started with values of:


    change MK to 50909; outcome = sucess! text changed to 5,9,9,50909


    change MK to 61010, outcome sucess! text changed to 6,10,10,61010


    change MK to 71111, outcome failed... text changed to 7,10,10,71111

    I believe this is happening because we are now updating text with a XX digit
    as aposed to a X digit.
    5,9,9,50909 changed to 6,10,10,61010 fine because we went from a single
    didgit of 9(X) to a double digit of 10(XX),
    but if I try to go from double digit 10(XX) to double digit11(XX) it will

    I believe it might have something to do with the line of code I do not
    I am not fully aware of how Cases work yet either. if you could, please
    explain to me how this CASE in this code works.

    Thank you so much,

    Here is what we have so far:

    Sub oit()
    Dim oText As AcadText
    Dim oText1 As AcadText
    Dim genObject As AcadObject
    Dim pickPoint, newString
    Dim returnObj As AcadObject
    Dim dft As Long, din As Long
    Dim MyLen As Variant 'Added
    On Error Resume Next
    With ThisDrawing
    .Utility.GetEntity returnObj, _
    pickPoint, "Select the MK text object:" & vbCr
    If Err <> 0 Then
    Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo 0
    If TypeOf returnObj Is AcadText Then
    Set oText = returnObj
    newString = InputBox("NewString", , oText.TextString)
    MyLen = Len(newString) 'Added
    If MyLen > 5 Then 'Added
    'convert 12" to 1' Added
    dft = Val(Mid(newString, 3, 2)) 'Added
    din = Val(Mid(newString, 5, 2)) 'Added
    Else 'Added
    'convert 12" to 1'
    dft = Val(Mid(newString, 2, 2))
    din = Val(Mid(newString, 4, 2))
    End If 'Added
    If din = 12 Then
    din = 0
    dft = dft + 1
    End If
    If MyLen > 5 Then 'Added
    newString = Mid(newString, 1, 2) & Format(dft, "00")
    & Format(din, "00") 'Added
    Else 'Added
    newString = Mid(newString, 1, 1) & Format(dft, "00")
    & Format(din, "00")
    End If 'Added
    For Each genObject In .ModelSpace
    If TypeOf genObject Is AcadText Then
    Set oText1 = genObject
    If oText1.InsertionPoint(1) = _
    oText.InsertionPoint(1) Then
    Select Case _
    Round(oText1.InsertionPoint(0), 0)
    Case 8
    If MyLen > 5 Then 'Added
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 2) 'Added
    Else 'Added
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 1)
    End If  'Added
    Case 14
    oText1.TextString = Str(dft)
    Case 21
    oText1.TextString = Str(din)
    End Select
    End If
    End If
    Next genObject
    End If
    oText.TextString = newString
    End If
    End With
    End Sub

    Dan, Mar 1, 2005
  12. Dan

    Dan Guest

    OUCH! Sorry to hear that. Thank you for your help.
    Dan, Mar 1, 2005
  13. Your code worked for me, even on 61010 and 71111. I would make sure that
    your text object coordinates are correct for the problem ones. Also... if
    you want to make your code a little more error-proof, you could have it
    catch values > 12, such as 71013... you could make that 11'-1" or just throw
    up an error message and not change anything.

    The Select Case simply evaluates the X-coord of each Text item's insertion
    point, rounded to an integer value. It then executes whichever Case
    matches, if any. It's like an IF...ELSEIF...ELSEIF...ENDIF block.


    James Belshan, Mar 1, 2005
  14. Dan

    Dan Guest

    True, it will work fron 61010 to 71111, trouble it when the first number
    goes to 2 digits. Follow this sequence: 80808-90909-101010-(problem
    here)111111. cant figure out why, the insertion point in center middle so it
    does not change based upon text value??

    I have added many lines of code for error checking, this apppears to be the
    last step to figure out.

    Thanks again for trying to help me figure this out,
    Dan, Mar 1, 2005
  15. Dan

    Dan Guest

    I modified the code to add extra cases, and it appears to work, but I do not
    like to simple add code for a "fix" not knowingth the problem.

    Here is code modified

    'code snip
    Select Case _
    Round(oText1.InsertionPoint(0), 0)
    Case 7
    If MyLen > 5 Then
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 2)
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 1)
    End If
    Case 8
    If MyLen > 5 Then
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 2)
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 1)
    End If
    Case 9
    If MyLen > 5 Then
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 2)
    oText1.TextString = _
    Mid(newString, 1, 1)
    End If
    Case 13
    oText1.TextString = Str(dft)
    Case 14
    oText1.TextString = Str(dft)
    Case 15
    oText1.TextString = Str(dft)

    Case 20
    oText1.TextString = Str(din)
    Case 21
    oText1.TextString = Str(din)
    Case 22
    oText1.TextString = Str(din)
    End Select
    I am almost there,

    Dan, Mar 1, 2005
  16. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Well, I learned a few more things with this code. I do appreciate everyone's
    help. I have a few more items to figure out why things happen, but this will
    save thousands of keystrokes.
    I have been wanting to simplyfy this process far to long.

    Thank you very much again to everyone involved, Paul, James, and Oberer!

    Dan, Mar 1, 2005
  17. Dan,

    AHA! The InsertionPoint(0) is returning the X-coord at the left of the
    text, the left-most grip. It changes as the text gets wider and narrower.
    The center point is fixed, it's the TextAlignmentPoint (the centered grip).
    In the ACAD properties window, look at the PositionX and TextAlignmentX
    properties as you change the text to different values. So, in your code,
    replace InsertionPoint with TextAlignmentPoint. So when you get to the
    2-digit numbers, the text item coordinates started rounding to 7 instead of
    8, 13 instead of 14, etc.

    This is fine, as long as you understand what it's doing. Basically, after
    you pick an MK text, ANY text item that has both the exact same Y-coord,
    and an X-coord between 6.5 and 9.49 will be changed.

    You can condense your Case statements... instead of having 3 blocks for 7,8,
    and 9, you can use
    "Case 7 To 9" or "Case 7, 8, 9". Hit F1 on the Case statement to see

    We can tinker with the coordinates to make them as picky as you need them to
    be, so you don't miss changes like it was doing, or (worse), change other
    text items that you didn't mean to. You can also change them to be
    calculated relative to the MK text coordinates, so that the code would work
    regardless of where the BOM is on the page.

    James Belshan, Mar 1, 2005
  18. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Good hit! Thanks. So much to learn....
    Dan, Mar 1, 2005
  19. One more thought, you can put a fuzz-factor into your Y-coordinate
    comparison so that your CAD work doesn't have to be so precise for the
    routine to do its job.

    If fuzzEq(oText.InsertionPoint(1), oText1.InsertionPoint(1), 0.1) Then
    Function fuzzEq(val1 As Variant, val2 As Variant, Optional pFuzz As Double =
    0.001) As Boolean
    fuzzEq = (Abs(val1 - val2) < pFuzz)
    End Function

    James Belshan, Mar 1, 2005
  20. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Good thought. I was just thinking about that. You already answered my next
    question. Thanks. I have learned allot.
    Dan, Mar 2, 2005
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