Help:Pro/E solftware

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Cuong Dao, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. Cuong Dao

    Cuong Dao Guest

    I was wondering if you could give some suggestions on what's are the
    best ProE solfware to buy.
    I'm new to all this, so any helps will be greatly appreciated.
    Cuong Dao, Apr 20, 2006
  2. Cuong Dao

    natewebb Guest

    Depends if you want to spend 5k 10k 18k or more
    The best is flex3c, its the most money
    foundation advantage is the least money

    Maybe start with foundation advantage 5K US (with free aax)
    then add more stuff later to your license. If you look at the ads
    popping up here -> ->
    you can find a seller site, and review details.

    Good Fortune
    natewebb, Apr 21, 2006
  3. Cuong Dao

    David Janes Guest

    "best" for what? depends on what you want to DO with it. The software gets
    configured in a dozen different ways depending on what you will use it for. And
    PTC sales is the best to answer this question.
    David Janes, Apr 22, 2006
  4. Cuong Dao

    dgeesaman Guest

    Well, PTC sales *might* be best to answer the question, but we aren't
    going to try to milk this guy for money.

    Cuong, please provide some info on what things your company does, what
    you hope to do, and any major problems that you're hoping to solve. Do
    you manufacture or design? Or both? What CAD software are you using
    now, and how is it working?
    There are plenty of differences between the practical and realistic
    usage of Pro/E and what a salesperson or excited manager might hope
    for. This group can be quite helpful for that.

    dgeesaman, Apr 24, 2006
  5. Cuong Dao

    David Janes Guest

    You're scarin' the guy, Dave! Don't be so melodramatic. It costs nothing to talk
    to PTC Sales. Unless you walk in there with your eyes shut and your wallet wide
    open. Bein' the hustlers that they are, they'll spot a sucker a mile away.
    Good questions to ask PTC Sales; when you get the answers, come back here and let
    us know what you and they discussed. I really don't want to skip them; I want to
    know what they're telling people, especially the little guys, see if anything's
    changed which, I'm sure it has.
    I'm sure we can be of some help but I've seen a lot of configuration questions
    asked here, a lot of speculation on what modules you need to do what kind of work,
    but a distinct lack of hard info on the connection between various modules (which
    is what you buy) and the menu functions in Pro/e (which is what you do). So, for
    example, what exactly do I need to buy the Advanced Assembly module to be able to
    do in WF remains a mystery. What, precisely, can I do with Flex3C that I can't do
    with Foundation Advantage, too, needs to be directed to PTC. Of course, we can
    compare what "modules" you get with Advantage and 3C; you'd think that would tell
    you something, but, in my experience, it's not very helpful because you're left
    with the question you started out with: what do I need this module for. That's PTC
    Sales's territory. Make them talk to you; ask them lots of hard questions; be that
    painful boil on their backside. It is intrinsically rewarding to strive for
    perfection. Even if it's just to be a pain in the ass.
    David Janes, Apr 24, 2006
  6. The "best" is the combination of Pro/E and Intralink.
    Johannes Pietsch, Apr 30, 2006
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