Help please with extrude along a path!!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Brett, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. Brett

    Brett Guest

    I'm using R14 and I'm attempting to extrude a pline along a path, but
    I'm getting weird results.

    I have created a simple floor plan which is basically two corridors
    intersecting to create a "T". I have filleted one of the corners with a
    2' radius and left the other square. I then created a simple moulding
    profile that I wish to extrude along the inside of the wall, down the
    other corridor and back up and along the wall on the other side. The
    problem is, the moulding extrudes along the front walls just fine (in
    the Z direction for the current UCS), but when it turns the corner down
    the corridor (going in the negative X direction) it ends up behind the
    walls, on the other side of the path. Curiously, when I extrude a very
    simple rectangle, it extruded just fine. But as soon as I put even a
    little step in the profile, it causes the same problem. Why is that?
    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for any help.

    Brett, Feb 10, 2004
  2. Brett

    jackshield Guest

    if the only problem is extrusion at the radius, maybe you could split it up, use revolve to get the molding around the radius, and path extrude for the rest
    jackshield, Feb 12, 2004
  3. Brett

    Tom Irvin Guest

    My own exoerience and problems with things not extruding along a path
    have at the root of the problem some inaccuracy with the path. Set
    your display accuracy to 1/256 and 4 decimal places on angles and
    carefully check the pline pathway for errors. There's really no other
    good reason for not extruding properly if the path is precisely
    Tom Irvin, Feb 14, 2004
  4. Brett

    Brett Guest


    Thanks for your response. At first I thought the problem might be the
    radius too, however, the problem also occurs at the other side of the
    'T'. It seems to work fine on the 'Y' axis, but all parts of the
    extrusion on the 'X' axis - going either direction - fall behind the
    path and therefore my wall. Picture the top of the 'T' as the 'Y' axis.

    It seems only to happen when the profile to extrude has more than 4 flat

    Any other thoughts?

    Brett, Feb 17, 2004
  5. Brett

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Is the path element anLWPOLYLINE or a splined 3dployline??
    OLD-CADaver, Feb 17, 2004
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