Help please: upgrading rel14 seats?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JB, Nov 5, 2003.

  1. JB

    JB Guest

    The firm I have just joined has a number of seats of Autocad14. They also
    have a number of LT97/2000 users and I'm on Autocad2004 (being the new boy).
    Ideally we need to get onto the same platform for the Autocad users soon.
    I realise that Autodesk do not officially allow upgrades from rel14 any
    more, but am I allowed to sell these licences and buy newer versions?
    Our old Acad dealer did a great deal with us at my last firm, taking our old
    rel14 licences in p/ex for some seats of Inventor5 even though the rel14 was
    not technically upgradeable.
    Or is there any other legal alternative?
    Thanks in advance.
    JB, Nov 5, 2003
  2. JB

    JP Guest

    Officially you are not allowed to sell the rel.14 licenses.
    Maybe your dealer and autodesk wil give you a discount when trading these
    rel.14 seats for rel.2004.
    The rel.2000 is upgradable until January (?), it runs out very shortly.

    Contact your dealer about these facts, i'm sure if he wants to sell that he
    can work something out.

    JP, Nov 5, 2003
  3. JB

    JB Guest

    Thanks. I'll give it a try.
    JB, Nov 5, 2003
  4. Ironically the AutoCAD 14 licences cannot be upgraded. The LT licences can
    be updated to full AutoCAD 2004 assuming the special LT to AutoCAD upgrade
    deal is available in your location.
    Chris D \(The CAD Man\), Nov 5, 2003
  5. JB

    JB Guest

    And people wonder why customers sometimes lose patience with Autodesk!
    We'll try for a deal with our reseller I think.
    JB, Nov 6, 2003
  6. JB

    Jakub Guest

    Too true. Unfortunately, like M$ they're the kings of the hill, they know
    it, and behave accordingly. I've been using Acad for the last ten years not
    because I *love* it, but because it's the de-facto standard. The best thing
    that could happen to this industry is a strong competitor to Autodesk. As it
    stands, we basically have a monopoly situation. We use what our clients
    demand, and they want AutoCAD drawings. It's that simple.
    Jakub, Nov 25, 2003
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