Help ! New CLient uses Solidedge

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WonderMan, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. WonderMan

    swizzle Guest

    Yes, SE does have an add-on package similar to FeatureWorks. They have had
    it in SE for many years. I believe, as of v18, it now comes standard and is
    no longer an extra users have to pay for.
    swizzle, Nov 28, 2006
  2. WonderMan

    swizzle Guest

    Actually, SW is just the AutoCAD of 3D. They did a phenomenal job marketing
    and grabbed a huge market share early on. SE is not dead, nor is IV or
    Alibre or WildFire, or any other. They are all still mainstream. They just
    don't have the market share of SW nor do they have their name plastered in
    as many places as SW does. I can't believe how many abstract trade journals
    I see SW ads. Some of them don't even apply to MCAD software, yet SW is

    And by the way, I have many clients that use SE and Alibre. I have only 1
    right now that uses SW. And I have another client who was doing a "hunt"
    for the right MCAD package and SW was last on his list. Short of sounding
    like JB, VX was actually number 1 - which if you filter JB out of your
    newsreader and actually test the package, it isn't all that bad. I was
    pleasantly surprised.

    swizzle, Nov 28, 2006
  3. WonderMan

    herenerthere Guest

    if you filter JB

    Wonder how jb's SW honeymoon is going? hahahahaaa
    herenerthere, Nov 28, 2006
  4. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    The only point that they might want to consider is the drawing side.
    Even several versions back SE just seemed to make better drawings. I
    have never done anything as complex as in SW but what I did do seemed
    to go easier in SE.
    TOP, Nov 28, 2006
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