Help ! New CLient uses Solidedge

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WonderMan, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. WonderMan

    WonderMan Guest

    WonderMan, Nov 23, 2006
  2. WonderMan

    neodolyte Guest

    Phuqueoph, shill.
    neodolyte, Nov 23, 2006
  3. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    That's been in UG for years. If it isn't parametric, which it isn't,
    then it is no more powerful than the functionality SW has had for years
    to edit SE files.
    TOP, Nov 23, 2006
  4. WonderMan

    John H Guest

    If it's the same technology that's in the last few versions of NX (it was
    called DMX - don't know whether it still is) then it's extremely powerful
    and can be used to make precise, re-editable modifications to what started
    out as a dumb model.

    John H
    John H, Nov 24, 2006
  5. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    We must be talking about two different things. The original poster was
    talking about editing SW files, not dumb models.
    TOP, Nov 25, 2006
  6. WonderMan

    WonderMan Guest

    I guess I am looking for an acceptable solution to read their SE files and
    then produce a SW file they can read and edit. It looks like my post with
    the direct edit link will allow me to do this. Read theirs, edit it and
    send it back for them to read and edit ? Did I miss something ? TKS.
    WonderMan, Nov 25, 2006
  7. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    What is missing is a way to modify the feature tree and parametric
    relations between any two CAD programs. You can manipulate the
    geometry, but as soon as you do that you lose any linkage. Both SW and
    SE at their core consist of a set of instructions created by the user
    that define the geometry. Modifying the geometry does not modify the
    instructions. Both can modify each other's geometry, but not each
    other's instructions on how to get that geometry.

    I am curious as to how complex these parts are that you have to shuttle
    back and forth?
    TOP, Nov 25, 2006
  8. WonderMan

    WonderMan Guest

    They are very very simple. This client also uses SWX 2005 also. I use
    SWX2007. They need to dictate a small set of internal instructions and I do
    the outside appearance.

    For the life of me I dont get why they picked SE AND SWX. The final prodcut
    of the work is a solid model of the outside, a final breadboard only of the
    function ( very simple ). Looks like and a works like. Its a small
    exchange of info between is and the mfgr.
    WonderMan, Nov 25, 2006
  9. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    2007 won't talk to 2005 of course. If they have FeatureWorks they could
    process your parasolids into a parametric model. They can make a model
    in 2005 and send it to you and you would have full parametric
    capability that way. And if you haven't been with SW that long you
    probably don't have a seat of 2005 sitting around. So my guess is that
    you will be swapping parasolids. That isn't all bad as you have an
    immutable reference of what you sent each other. But you won't have
    parametric control over each others model either.

    It might be possible to create a part from their dumb solid and use it
    as an imported part in what you do in order to link what you are doing
    to changes they make. This would need some testing.
    TOP, Nov 25, 2006
  10. WonderMan

    WonderMan Guest

    For this client They will essentially create a file of a breadboard and I
    will : wrao : it. We do ID only and my file will go back to them for an SLA
    and then off to an OEM for quote and further developemnt. Starting to
    soundlike I should tell them I can read an SE file " as a dumb solid " and
    give then a SLDPRT file from which they can " direct edit " as needed.
    WonderMan, Nov 25, 2006
  11. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    Yes, you can "direct edit" their file in SW and then send it back to
    them to "direct edit" in SW. Since you aren't going to change their
    file and they probably are just going to add or remove inner detail
    this method will have the advantage of producing a fixed record of what
    each is passing to the other.

    After reading the sales hype "direct editing" is just manipulating
    non-parametric geometry and creating further parametric features. I
    would use parasolid as the exchange medium instead of native SE files
    since SE is not using any of the parametric information from SW nor
    will SW be using any parametric information from SE.

    If they are sending something as simple as you seem to be saying you
    can still use FeatureWorks in SW to turn it into a true SW parametric
    model. I don't think SE has any similar capability.
    TOP, Nov 26, 2006
  12. WonderMan

    WonderMan Guest

    They will be sending very simple stuff and I am generating external shapes
    for it. I appreciate your help. Likely we will be using parasolid as you
    suggest. Funny but there isnt a SE newsgroup. Am not familiar with it but
    it cant be too popular.
    WonderMan, Nov 26, 2006
  13. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    Oh, there is an SE newsgroup. Is costs $$$$$$ to get in though. In
    other words it belongs to UG and you don't get in if you aren't paid
    up. You might find someone at your customer that maybe can be of help
    TOP, Nov 26, 2006
  14. WonderMan

    ken Guest

    ken, Nov 27, 2006
  15. WonderMan

    John H Guest

    My interpretation was that he wanted to pass geometry back and forth between
    SWX and SE, which as far as I'm aware means "dumb models", and so the
    non-history-based editing tools in SE would be of help.

    John H
    John H, Nov 27, 2006
  16. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    As would the non-history editing tools in SW.
    TOP, Nov 27, 2006
  17. WonderMan

    John H Guest

    Yeah, but he wants his client using SE to be able to edit his SWX2007
    John H, Nov 27, 2006
  18. WonderMan

    TOP Guest

    To my knowledge there is not a parametric feature based modeler that
    can edit another's feature tree (history). UG cannot even do this with
    SE files and vice versa.

    If the Boss want's this he will have to pay for conversion each way.
    Just have a dedicated person reproduce the feature tree and features
    each way and verify the result.

    There are no standards, there are no agreed on methods even within a
    given software family. SW cannot even edit its own files when they come
    from a future version.
    TOP, Nov 28, 2006
  19. WonderMan

    WonderMan Guest

    I reported to my client that we would need to excahnge informaiton via
    parasolid files or STEP files to which they advised that they were beginning
    to get the feeling that SE was not really mainstream any longer.. They have
    one seat of SW2005 and plan to convert the place over to SW2007 which their
    infiormal survey suggests is far more universal and common.

    I would like to think it is just for my sake but alas it is not. Come to
    think of it I havent come across a client lately that uses anything other
    than PE or SW.
    WonderMan, Nov 28, 2006
  20. I would like to think

    Oh, hell. We're in trouble now.
    ohMyAchingAss, Nov 28, 2006
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