Help Needed

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sheel, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. sheel

    sheel Guest

    I am trying to open Acadfiles and reterieve all the information from the blocks and dump it into access table. where I can update my attributes and again update my drawing as required. This code open the ACAD drawings from a given folder and scroll through each drawing and extract the data by calling fileextractdata procedure. In this procedure when I run this code it does not recogonize some blocks, my block reference variable -- oblockref - remains empty. I have two drawings with one drawing if I select layerblocks the layer which I created the block on works fine and pick all objects. But In other drawings it do not pick blockreference. In the given code I was selecting all the objects on the drawing and then filtering it based on layer. For given layer this code does not work even the block is using the same layer. Could it be because of the name "TEXT-SPECIFICATION"? Is this name too long. But when I keep on moving in the code it picks the right drawing. open it. make it visible and highlight the layers which I filtered in a code. This layer also has a block on it but in code I couldnt reconize any block which was on that layer. Can any one help me on this?

    Private Sub cmdRetrieveData_Click()
    Dim acadapp As Object
    Dim acdocument As Object
    Dim aCIR2 As AcadCircle
    Dim objcircle As AcadCircle
    Dim objdimension As AcadDimension

    Dim objss As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim intcodes(0) As Integer
    Dim varcodevalues(0) As Variant

    On Error Resume Next
    Set acadapp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.application")
    If Err Then
    Set acadapp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.application")
    End If

    DoCmd.Hourglass True

    '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 44

    strfoldername = "D:\ApprovedDrawings\draws\New Folder\folder1"

    If Not objfso.folderexists(strfoldername) Then
    MkDir (strfoldername)
    End If

    With Application.FileSearch

    LookIn = strfoldername
    Filename = "*.dwg"

    '%%%%%%%%% begining part of file search looping program

    If .Execute() > 0 Then
    MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _
    " file(s) found."
    For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
    'MsgBox .FoundFiles(I)

    'strfiletype = .FoundFiles(i)

    Call fileExtractiondata(.FoundFiles(i))

    ' %%%%%%%%%%end part of file search looping code
    Next i
    MsgBox "There were no files found."
    End If
    End With


    Set aCIR2 = Nothing
    Set objss = Nothing
    Set acdocument = Nothing
    Set acadapp = Nothing
    DoCmd.Hourglass False

    End Sub

    '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::;

    Private Sub fileExtractiondata(sfname As String)
    Dim acadapp As Object
    Dim acdocument As Object

    Dim oaccess As Database
    Dim orecordset As Recordset
    Dim strquery As String
    Dim recordno As String
    Dim oattrib As AcadAttribute
    Dim objss As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim objblock As Object
    Dim strattrib As String
    Dim intcodes(0) As Integer
    Dim varcodevalues(0) As Variant
    Dim oblockref As AcadBlockReference
    Dim ats As Variant
    Dim varpick As Variant
    Dim apath As String
    Dim blkname As String
    Dim msgbo As String

    On Error Resume Next

    Set oaccess = CurrentDb()

    strquery = "Select * from Spline_data where DrawingNo =" & 22 'recordno '& "'"

    Set orecordset = oaccess.OpenRecordset(strquery)

    Set acadapp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.application")
    If Err Then
    Set acadapp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.application")
    End If

    Set acdocument = acadapp.documents.Open(sfname)
    acadapp.Visible = True

    intcodes(0) = 8
    varcodevalues(0) = "TEXT-SPECIFICATION"

    Set objss = acdocument.SelectionSets.Add("filterblocks")
    objss.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , intcodes, varcodevalues
    objss.Highlight True


    For Each oblockref In objss

    ats = oblockref.GetAttributes
    Dim EA As AcadAttributeReference
    MsgBox oblockref.Name
    blkname = oblockref.Name
    MsgBox oblockref.Layer

    ats = oblockref.GetAttributes
    Select Case blkname

    Case "SPLINE-DATA"

    For i = 0 To UBound(ats)

    Set EA = ats(i)
    strattrib = (RTrim(ats(i).TagString))
    If strattrib = "NO-OF-TEETH" Then
    orecordset.Fields(2) = ats(i).TextString
    ' MsgBox ats(I).TextString

    ElseIf strattrib = "TYPE-FIT" Then
    orecordset.Fields(3) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "CLASS-FIT" Then
    orecordset.Fields(4) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "DP-MODULE" Then
    orecordset.Fields(5) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "PD" Then
    orecordset.Fields(6) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "BD" Then
    orecordset.Fields(7) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "PA" Then
    orecordset.Fields(8) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "SPACEWIDTH-T-THICKNESS" Then
    orecordset.Fields(9) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "PIN-D" Then
    orecordset.Fields(10) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "MEASUREMENT-2-PINS" Then
    orecordset.Fields(11) = ats(i).TextString
    End If

    Next i
    Case "MATERIALS"
    For i = 0 To UBound(ats)
    Set EA = ats(i)
    strattrib = (RTrim(ats(i).TagString))
    If strattrib = "FRICTION-GRADE" Then
    orecordset.Fields(14) = ats(i).TextString
    ' MsgBox ats(I).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "FRICTION-COLOR" Then
    orecordset.Fields(15) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "FRICTION-NOM" Then
    orecordset.Fields(16) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "CORE-GRADE" Then
    orecordset.Fields(17) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "HARDNESS" Then
    orecordset.Fields(18) = ats(i).TextString
    End If
    Next i

    For i = 0 To UBound(ats)
    Set EA = ats(i)
    strattrib = (RTrim(ats(i).TagString))
    If strattrib = "GROOVE-PAT" Then
    'MsgBox ats(I).TextString
    orecordset.Fields(28) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "DISH HEIGHT" Then
    orecordset.Fields(29) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "WAVES" Then
    orecordset.Fields(30) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "WAVE-HEIGHT" Then
    orecordset.Fields(31) = ats(i).TextString
    End If
    Next i

    Case "TOLERANCE"
    For i = 0 To UBound(ats)
    MsgBox "TOL"
    Set EA = ats(i)
    strattrib = (RTrim(ats(i).TagString))
    If strattrib = "Angular" Then
    orecordset.Fields(32) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "TOL-1PLC" Then
    orecordset.Fields(33) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "TOL-2PLC" Then
    orecordset.Fields(34) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "TOL-3PLC" Then
    orecordset.Fields(35) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "TON-OD" Then
    ' MsgBox ats(I).TextString
    orecordset.Fields(36) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "TON-ID" Then
    orecordset.Fields(37) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "TON-TOTAL" Then
    orecordset.Fields(38) = ats(i).TextString
    End If
    Next i


    For i = 0 To UBound(ats)
    Set EA = ats(i)
    strattrib = (RTrim(ats(i).TagString))
    If strattrib = "BOM-REV" Then
    orecordset.Fields(19) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "ROUTING-REV" Then
    orecordset.Fields(20) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "REF-BASE" Then
    orecordset.Fields(21) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "DATE" Then
    orecordset.Fields(22) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "DRAWN-BY" Then
    orecordset.Fields(23) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "APPROVED-BY" Then
    orecordset.Fields(24) = ats(i).TextString
    ' MsgBox ats(I).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "PART-NUMBER" Then
    orecordset.Fields("PART-NUMBER") = ats(i).TextString
    ' MsgBox ats(I).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "CAGE-CODE" Then
    orecordset.Fields(26) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "SCALE" Then
    orecordset.Fields(27) = ats(i).TextString
    End If
    Next i

    For i = 0 To UBound(ats)
    Set EA = ats(i)
    strattrib = (RTrim(ats(i).TagString))
    If strattrib = "FRICTION-NO" Then
    orecordset.Fields(12) = ats(i).TextString
    ElseIf strattrib = "SC-NO" Then
    orecordset.Fields(13) = ats(i).TextString
    End If

    Next i
    End Select


    Set oblock = Nothing
    Set objent = Nothing
    Set objss = Nothing

    Set oattrib = Nothing
    Set oaccess = Nothing
    Set orecordset = Nothing
    Set acadapp = Nothing

    Set acdocument = Nothing

    MsgBox "done"
    End Sub
    sheel, Sep 12, 2004
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