Help - Mouse button config

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Hooky, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. Hooky

    Hooky Guest

    I used autocad many years ago as a student and at the time one could
    simply start a line by clicking your left mouse button. Although it is
    not very accurate it is quite useful to operate like that.

    In my current version of autocad the left mouse button does not
    initiate "line".

    I would really appreciate any help or comments that will help me to set
    my system to opearte like that.

    Hooky, Aug 28, 2006
  2. Hooky

    ddpcad Guest

    what kind of mouse and what version of AutoCAD? Btw, the left mouse
    button is normally used for selection in Acad and mapping it to the LINE
    command would be very unusual IMO
    ddpcad, Aug 28, 2006
  3. Hooky

    Hooky Guest

    Thanks ddpcad

    It does sound a bit odd doesn't it? I will try to give you a reason
    why. Here goes...

    We are refining a set of tools that provide different way of using the
    mouse/keyboard combination. It is the idea of my friend (a retired
    architect) that has been using cad systems since these became
    available. He has been working with this for many years, but as the cad
    systems improved over the years, they changed as well. In the original
    DOS based systems you would have used the left button to initiate a
    line (I believe). In the new windows based versions this has obviously
    changed - as you correctly pointed out. He is thus forced to use his
    DOS system and these are becoming more "obsolete" as one has to get
    very creative by running multiple boot options (DOS & Windows under
    Linux) and it is just not elegant + makes it harder when using many
    different applications.

    We believe that we can apply these "tools" to generate drawings
    for buildings far quicker than the typical user. I hate to generalise
    so please accept my apologies if anyone is offended by this statement.

    To answer your question: I am using a MS mouse and ACAD 2004. But, I
    would not like to find solution that is specific to a kind of mouse or
    version of CAD as we would like to provide these tools for all users,
    regardless of version or hardware.

    Once again thanks for your response
    Hooky, Aug 29, 2006
  4. It would help if you told the group what version you want to customize.

    In older versions the behavior of buttons on a pointing device is controlled
    in the BUTTONS and AUX sections loaded menu file. I don't see any problems
    in getting any button you want to initiate the LINE command. (Try the F1 key
    and read up on menus, or even the whole Customization section, if you are
    running a Windows version of acad. In older versions I used the printed
    manual for this sort of thing.)

    Having said that, as applications change, it is likely that the most
    efficient way of doing anything is likely to change somewhat. I appreciate
    that a guy might have a set way of working and that he might want to stay
    comfortable towards the end of his career, or not feed anymore money to
    software designers who seem to spend a lot of time shuffling menu options
    and redesigning the look of button graphics, but I'd like to see the
    routines that would make drawing buildings in a DOS environment faster than
    in a GUI environment....and I'm no big button-clicker.

    Now, where's my 12" throw brace....?
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 29, 2006
  5. Hooky

    ddpcad Guest

    well, have you tried remapping the left mouse button function using the
    mouse software? I don't use a MS mouse but my Logitech MX1000 has
    multiple buttons that can have their function changed to whatever you
    would like. And, if your mouse does have multiple buttons, IMO it would
    be better to map a double button click to LINE, like say Ctrl-Left button
    ps: oops, just checked my config options in my mouse software and it
    seems that only 8 of the 10 buttons can be changed. The two that can't
    are the left and right mouse buttons. So, with my mouse anyway you'd
    have to do what you want with another button or combination of buttons.
    ddpcad, Aug 29, 2006
  6. Hooky

    Hooky Guest

    Hi Michael

    Thanks for your response and guidance. I will definitely use it.

    I think you got it in one go (end of career, not wanting to change...)
    but I think there might be a little bit of truth in it. I say that not
    being fully informed, but I can imagine that drawing mainly rectangular
    shapes and repeatedly needing the same functions like surface area etc.
    means that you can set up your environment to function specific to your
    way of working and in doing so improving the general or standard way.

    Also there are other architects who is using his system and swear by it
    - but they fit thesame profile so perhaps it does not consitute proof
    Hooky, Aug 30, 2006
  7. Like I said, I'd like to see it. I draw buildings for a living, and the
    faster I can do that the more time I can spend guilt-free at the rink. I'd
    like to think that I'm open to smarter ways of doing things.
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 30, 2006
  8. Hooky

    Hooky Guest

    I think run the risk of running out of bandwidth on the specific
    advantages of using this proposed system. My friend keeps on promoting
    this is a potential business opportunity, but I remain sceptically
    optimistic. So it would be very useful to obtain the opinion(s) of
    other unbiased party(s). So what I will do is I will send the toolset
    to the first 30 persons who submit their requests via this forum -
    once we have completed the conversion from DOS to Win format. Your
    feedback will serve as yardstick for my commitment going forward.

    I will share the respective contact details between you and Dr. Gordon
    on your personal email if OK with you. I am sure he will be keen to,
    and capable to, engage in a meaningful conversation on the topic.
    Hooky, Aug 30, 2006
  9. Go to my website and click the banner to email.
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 30, 2006
  10. I never heard from you or Dr. Gordon...
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 19, 2006
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