HELP - Modeling pipe threads

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Iqbal Lotey, Jun 26, 2003.

  1. Iqbal Lotey

    Iqbal Lotey Guest


    I am trying to model a 1.5" tapered NPT thread onto a fluorescent lamp
    holder we are planning to die-cast. I've pulled all the numbers out
    the Machinery's handbook, created (what I think) are appropriate
    helixes and swept cuts, but the thread profile just isn't coming out

    Does anyone have any examples of true threads in solidworks - tapered
    or otherwise? I could really use some help on this one.


    Iqbal Lotey
    Engineering Technologist
    ilotey at ojeezpleasenojunkmail at ledalite dot com
    Iqbal Lotey, Jun 26, 2003
  2. Iqbal Lotey

    Sporkman Guest

    Iqbal, the SolidWorks model (2001+) that I've sent to your email
    addresses has tapered helixes defining the Path of three Cut-Sweeps.
    These Cut-Sweeps create some geometry that is like the thread you want
    to create, but it is not geometrically accurate. I only modeled an
    approximation of a pipe thread, but at least you can see how it was
    done. Be sure to delete the very last feature in the Feature Tree,
    appropriately named "Remove-Me".

    Hope that helps,
    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
    Sporkman, Jun 26, 2003
  3. Iqbal Lotey

    Iqbal Lotey Guest


    Thanks for the help. Your example was basically what I was trying
    to do – turns out I had the taper wrong and that's why my threads
    looked funny. I was still having problems with leftover material on
    the crests of the thread, so I re-thought my method and did it
    backwards, by rotating the thread profile around the helix instead of
    rotating the "cutter". I can email the file if anyone wants to see.

    Thanks again,
    Iqbal Lotey, Jun 27, 2003
  4. Iqbal Lotey

    Dan Andrews Guest

    Doing it that way makes the root radius uncontrollable. Athough, it
    may be fine for your application. My company makes screws, I have to
    model threads all the time.

    I haven't posted on here in some time, if you wish to contact me,
    email me. I remember Spork - at least enough to remember he's very
    tallented. From what you've both described, his way is the way I
    would model them. True, your radius on your major diameter may not
    look good (Solidworks fault), but if you are rolling your threads,
    they are not going to be that perfect anyway (unless you're packing
    the hell out of the dies)

    I always draw the major diameter w/ the taper coming up from the point
    to the thread and it's runout to the blank diameter. Then I cut my
    threads from the intersection of the runout to the blank diameter.
    The one going to the point I obviously cut straight. The one leading
    to the blank I taper up to give it a realistic effect. Although I
    described the method for modeling a non-tapered machine screw, I would
    do the same only add the taper for the pipe thread. For wood or sheet
    metal screws (spaced threads) I revolve the thread form as you

    I also utilize design tables so I don't have to keep redoing all these

    Let me know if you need models of tooling for roll forming or cold
    forming tools and dies. I have a lot for Formax, Naka, etc
    Dan Andrews, Jun 28, 2003
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