HELP!!--"model in rollback state, drawing inaccessible"

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michael, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. Michael

    Michael Guest

    I've got two files open--a part and its drawing. After working on the
    stupid thing for the last couple hours, it now suddenly decides that the
    model's in roll back (which it's not!) and won't let me do anything
    (including save) with the drawing.

    Anybody got any theories? Any way to save this, or do I get to cuss for a
    while, and then come in tomorrow and do it all again?

    2003, SP4
    Michael, Oct 3, 2003
  2. Michael

    Michael Guest

    A potentially interesting clue--it permits me to save, and even close the
    part file, but the drawing still insists that the part is in rollback
    Michael, Oct 3, 2003
  3. I have had this happen before and I think Cussing is in order. Atleast try
    to save your parts. Remeber to check your backup copy to see if it is
    somehow further along than your end result. I wish I had a better answer.

    Corey Scheich, Oct 3, 2003
  4. Michael

    Steve Davis Guest

    I think I had the same problems. Try to supress the base feature. Save.
    Reopen and unsupress all features.

    Steve Davis, Oct 4, 2003
  5. Michael

    Nick E. Guest

    Steve Davis quipped:
    i'll second this. there is a way around it, which invoves suppressing again
    and unsuppressing. i never figured a pattern out that would work everytime

    appears you did. :)

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Oct 4, 2003
  6. Michael

    matt Guest

    Ctrl-Q in the part is the first thing to try.
    If that doesn't work, edit definition or edit sketch on something and then

    SW thinks you're editing something in that part, so you've got to get it to
    convince itself that its not editing anything.

    matt, Oct 4, 2003
  7. Michael

    Michael Guest

    You're a genius! thanks
    Michael, Oct 4, 2003
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