Help me

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hahmad04, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. hahmad04

    hahmad04 Guest

    can any one send me the helping book for AutoCAd, ProE or solid edge
    in Pdf format or helping sites link??? i m doing Mechanical
    engineering and i need these?????????
    hahmad04, Nov 2, 2007
  2. hahmad04

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Nov 2, 2007
  3. hahmad04

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, Nov 3, 2007
  4. hahmad04

    Cliff Guest

    No manditory highbread unseemed unfried videos?
    Are these the ones you whined were in Polish or something?
    Cliff, Nov 3, 2007
  5. hahmad04

    Cliff Guest

    Pretty funny, clueless.
    The use of parametric history based CAD & CAD/CAM systems came
    fairly late to the game. They are sort of newer ones.
    And you can break/delete the history or not even turn it on with
    some systems.
    OTOH You then lose whatever advantages it provided you *for your
    class of work*. Well, not yours, naturally, as you don't use such or do
    any such actual work (or have many , if any, clues).

    Wait til you try adding history & parametrics back <VBG>. I still
    recall your posts on faking it with glee.
    Cliff, Nov 3, 2007
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