Help - iplot pentable and Reference Files

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by cadladykim, May 17, 2006.

  1. cadladykim

    cadladykim Guest

    I have a pentable that will do what I want using print/plot. However,
    iplot will not accept this type of pentable (code not recoginized). So
    I am writing a new pentable to work with iplot.

    I reference the file to its self (with specific logical name).
    The purpose is so that all yellow items in the master file, when
    plotted, display as highlighted items. So i have it set up that it
    ignores all elements in the reference file that is not yellow and plots
    only yellow items 1st at a heavy weight (wt=8). then the yellow items
    in the master file plot next as a light weight and black.

    My problem is that I cant figure out the code to ideinify the reference
    file. everything else works fine. either the yellow plots all yellow
    or all black not both.
    Below is a portion of the pentable i am having problems with...
    IF (TYPE .in. 5, 66) THEN
    IF (COLOR .NE. 4) THEN ! ignore reference white
    ELSE IF (color .EQ. 4) THEN
    PRIORITY = 1 ! reference highlight yellow heavy
    COLOR = 4
    WEIGHT = 8

    if (color .eq. 4) then ! master file yellow to black
    priority = 50
    color = 0
    weight = 3
    cadladykim, May 17, 2006
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