Help ! How to modify a ROD MPP's subparts property(such as : layer) by SKILL ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by sunkey.zheng, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. sunkey.zheng

    sunkey.zheng Guest

    I'v get the rod obj's dbid , but it's seems can not change the ROD's
    subpart's property
    by this kind of style: ( log of CIW )

    (db:188308372 cellView db:188228652 objType "rect"
    prop nil bBox
    ((0.4 4.27)
    (0.66 4.53)
    ) children
    nil groupMembers nil isAnyInst nil
    isShape t matchPoints nil net
    nil parent nil physConns nil
    pin nil purpose "drawing" textDisplays
    nil assocTextDisplays nil layerName "VIA12"
    layerNum 17 lpp
    ("VIA12" "drawing")


    subid~>layerName = "VIA23"


    i want to change the MPP's sub-rect of 'VIA12' to 'VIA23', but seems
    it can not be completed
    by the method above... anyone can give me some help ?? thx a lot!!!
    sunkey.zheng, Jun 27, 2006
  2. You can't do this. The only way is to flatten the object, using rodUnNameShape()
    (something like that), and then change the object - or recreate the object.

    I filed a PCR recently asking for a means of programmatically changing subparts
    without needing to un-rod the shape.

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 16, 2006
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