(setq listpos (entget (car loc))) (-1 . <Entity name: 1496580>) (0 . "TEXT") (330 . <Entity name: 14964f8>) (5 .. "48") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 . "0") (100 . "AcDbText") (10 6.84953 8.45375 0.0) (40 . 2.5) (1 . "Adesu") (50 . 0.0) (41 .. 1.0) (51 . 0.0) (7 . "Standard") (71 . 0) (72 . 0) (11 0.0 0.0 0.0) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0) (100 . "AcDbText") (73 . 0)) (setq degpos2 45 const (cons 50 degpos2) ed (subst 'const (assoc 50 listpos)ed))) Can someone's help me to "subst" this program,I've got trouble to solve it,thanks a lot,the result always "nil",what wrong in format "subst". Best regards Ade Suharna