help for insert command

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sjgau02, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. sjgau02

    sjgau02 Guest

    in previous version of autocad, we can redefined a block by
    following command sequence:
    insert [enter]
    a=b [enter]

    this will redifined block a by the drawing file b.dwg
    ^c is a Ctrl+C key-pressed

    and I can not used it in AutoCAD 2004?

    can someone tell me, How to solve it?

    Thanks for replied!
    sjgau02, Dec 10, 2004
  2. sjgau02

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Use the -INSERT (leading "-") command rather than INSERT.
    Paul Turvill, Dec 10, 2004
  3. sjgau02

    cadcoke3 Guest

    While you can use -insert to get the original command line prompts,
    you might prefer to use the dialog box.

    At some point the dialog box behavior changed (at least by version
    2002) By simply browsing to the external block file (with the same name
    as the block you are redefining), and selecting OK, AutoCAD will
    automatically prompt you if you want to redefine the block which is
    currently in the drawing.
    cadcoke3, Dec 10, 2004
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