Help for elderly mathemetician to learn AutoCad

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by geoff.stilwell, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. I work as a computer trainer in a UK Online Centre.

    This week we are involved in an Outreach Project taking laptops to a
    Sheltered Housing Unit in NW London (NW6). There I met an elderly
    gentleman who is a mathemetician who has produced drawings of 2D and 3D
    mathematical figures and objects (actually the original drawings were
    produced by draftsmen following his instructions).

    He has a computer with AutoCad and would like to learn to use it to
    re-create his drawings (partly to correct some mistakes in the

    Is there anyone close to the NW London area who would be able to help
    him learn AutoCad. Or would you have any suggestions as to how he might
    achieve his aim?

    Thank you

    Geoff Stilwell
    geoff.stilwell, Jun 2, 2005
  2. geoff.stilwell

    Cadalot Guest


    Point him in the direction of my web site and tell him to look at the
    links page for links to many tutorials and resources


    Cadalot, Jun 2, 2005
  3. geoff.stilwell

    per.corell Guest

    It sound like a difficult task, but as the antike have a screen and an
    AutoCAD , Lisp would be obvious --- show him a few simple lines ,then
    some Polylines then the splien options and their formulars. Then make a
    small recursive function that will fill out the screen in beautifull
    patterns , --- and promise that ofcaurse this grow into multible
    options when you start with the 3D.
    Math. is proberly best started with a few 2D functions, then show a few
    made in Lisp, extract some cooerdinates from some drawing and explain
    the 3 Planes and how this guy shuld know, that any point on a plane in
    3D ,is defined by it's projections onto the two other planes, if he
    can't get started from that and suddenly realise transformation
    matrixes and how you calculate with vectors , then it is maby a late
    Anyway --- my Pony are the 3D-Honeycomb method, where you shape solid
    entities on screen, subtract a small box from a bigger one to get the
    actural wall thickness, where you make a not so thick solid that you
    fit inside the hollow box as a floor , how you make a box the size of
    the windows and subtract these ,so the real windows will fit down
    millimeter. But after forming and adding, subtracting and edditing, you
    satnd with a real 3D model of the house you can enter on screen or
    simply process into a 3D-Honeycomb framework , one to one, a structural
    model for a building , ready for paneling and with build-in structure
    to rest the floors and walls even stairs ----- maby looking for
    3D-Honeycomb and showing a few framework assemblies can open his mind.
    Try this link --- it's all frameworks generated by a press of a button
    from relativily simple Solid models , that is exiting digital Math. ---
    it make the hous framework at a third the cost, it make a house four
    times as strong, and all 20 different materials are replaced with plain
    sheet materials ;

    per.corell, Jun 2, 2005
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