Help for an old CADDS4X dog

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Wayne Lundberg, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. Asking this question surely reveals my age! But, if I'm to find the answer,
    surely it will be here. I'm looking for a kind of translator either online
    or hard-copy to help a person with Computervision's original CADDS 4X, later
    Personal Designer, to convert their command syntax into AutoCAD. Like in
    CADDS I would say 'insert line' then be prompted, and I'd say x0y0z0, ix 10,
    iy, 10 - enter. Then let's say I want to draw a line perpendicular to the xy
    axis so Id say 'Insert line' (prompt from computer) and I'd say org and
    click the line, then I'd say ix5, enter and I'd have a T off that line.
    Stuff like that.


    Wayne Lundberg, Jul 9, 2006
  2. Thank you Ian.

    Wayne Lundberg, Jul 9, 2006
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