Help file not displaying correctly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    I noticed yesterday that my help file is not displaying correctly
    (sw2006sp2.0). I get the "Internet Explorer was unable to link to the
    Web page you requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable."
    error. I thought there might be something wrong with the download so I
    downloaded the help files again this morning and I continue to receive
    the same error. Is there a setting in internet explorer that prevents
    the help files from displaying correctly? Anybody else having this
    problem? Anybody have any suggestions?

    Thanks, Sam
    Sam, Jan 5, 2006
  2. Sam

    CS Guest

    When you download them from the internet you have to RMB>Properties on
    the downloaded file and trust it. Then when you unzip it all the
    content will be trusted also. Windows had blacklisted your help files.

    CS, Jan 5, 2006
  3. Sam

    lmar Guest


    Known MS issue with newer SPs.

    Middel of page there is a red band with text "having problems in
    opening chm help modules?"
    PDF explains several options to configure your html security to permit
    viewing of the help files

    lmar, Jan 5, 2006
  4. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Thanks guys, my IT guys figured it out. MS updates 896358 and 89017 can
    cause some help files to not display correctly.

    CS was correct, when I rmb the file in explorer and select properties
    at the bottom of the property page there is a button titled "Unblock".
    I click that and now my help files work fine.

    Thanks for the responses.
    Sam, Jan 5, 2006
  5. Sam

    lmar Guest


    For reference only -

    I've got two workstations that were having the same problem.
    Found the unblock button on the help files.
    One workstation - that has the Html fix - works fine. The other one
    still has problems
    reading the help file even with it unblocked.
    Applied the html fix to second machine and both now read the help

    Note - with the unblocked file I was able to open it on one machine
    directly from explorer but not the other.
    If I went into start programs and selected the help file I could read
    it fine on one machine. If I selected the same file from within the
    application I'd get the error.

    Applying HTML fix on both machines allows me to read the help file any
    ol way I want........

    lmar, Jan 6, 2006
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