HELP! - DWGEditor dimensions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John H, May 10, 2007.

  1. John H

    John H Guest

    I'm in the unenviable position of having to work back in 2D (temporarily)
    and have a dwg drawing which needs editing.

    Are dimensions in DWGEditor always unassociated to the geometry that you
    picked when you created them, or is there a setting somewhere that lets you
    specify whether or not you want them to be associative?
    It seems unbelievable to me that if I move or stretch the geometry, the
    dimensions do not move/update!!!

    John H
    John H, May 10, 2007
  2. John H

    K. Barnes Guest

    Just as in ACAD, use a crossing window to select both dimension and
    geometry. Select to make a grip hot for your basepoint and stretch the
    geometry. The dimension will update to the new value.
    K. Barnes, May 11, 2007
  3. John H

    TOP Guest

    The library might have a book on ACAD for beginners.

    On the other hand it seems unbelievable to ACAD users that geometry
    updates to dimensions and vice versa in SW.

    You actually have to do the software's thinking, which isn't always a
    bad thing.

    TOP, May 11, 2007
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