HELP - Double Bridge Lance Forming Tool Question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron \(\), Jun 15, 2007.

  1. Hi,

    How do you make a Double Bridge Lance tool (like a PCB Card Guide) when
    forming tools cannot be multi-body parts?

    I really need to be able to make PCB Card Guides - pretty basic need and
    See Wilson Tool page 11 at
    This one on page 15 at

    I can make the tool but it will not cut properly - the center cut out is
    missing (where the PCB would go). And if I try to assign the forming /
    cutting faces (when I make the tool) SW gives me the multi-body error...
    i.e. forming tool cannot be a multi-body part... :-(

    Thank You,

    SW2007 SP3.1
    Aron \(\), Jun 15, 2007
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