[HELP] Dimension in 1/100 mm in SolidWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nicolas Rubin, May 16, 2006.

  1. Hi All,

    A customer make me some problems because he would work in 1/100mm and
    not mm (he would see 830 ant not 8.30 for a dimension !!!! )
    But this unity is not a SI ( european )standard.

    I have found a file swconst.tlb, is it a possibility to edit this file,
    to change the unit multiplicator factor to obtain this unit ????

    Many thanks for your help !

    Nicolas Rubin, May 16, 2006
  2. Nicolas Rubin

    Jean Marc Guest

    Scale the parts by x100?
    Jean Marc, May 16, 2006
  3. Thanks, but customer would the surface of the part too !
    and it say that is not an answer !!!!

    I'm happy !!! ;-(

    Nicolas Rubin, May 16, 2006
  4. Nicolas Rubin

    Dave Nay Guest

    Can your customer go one order of magnitude more, and use 1/1000mm?
    This would be microns, which is a built in unit of SWX.

    Dave Nay, May 16, 2006
  5. Nicolas Rubin

    That70sTick Guest

    There is nothing in the SW API (as of SW2005) that allows one to make
    custom units like this.

    Someone will have to say "no" to your customer. Better still if your
    custoer learns not to use this strange unit system.

    Is this measurement system common in your customer's industry? What
    industry is this?
    That70sTick, May 16, 2006
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