Help! "cross section not parallel" What?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by et2piei, Sep 20, 2003.

  1. et2piei

    et2piei Guest

    I have been doing the same thing for over a year an all the sudden I
    feel like an idiot. I have Pro/E 2001 and when I am in the drawing
    mode I am trying to select the cross section to place it comes back
    with "Cross section is not parallel to screen. Reselect
    cross-section?" I know that it is parallel because the Datum plan that
    it was made on isa the one that I selected to orient it? Ergh! Any
    help would be greatly appreciated. Have I done something really stupid
    and I just don't realize it yet?
    et2piei, Sep 20, 2003
  2. et2piei

    David Janes Guest

    : I have been doing the same thing for over a year an all the sudden I
    : feel like an idiot. I have Pro/E 2001 and when I am in the drawing
    : mode I am trying to select the cross section to place it comes back
    : with "Cross section is not parallel to screen. Reselect
    : cross-section?" I know that it is parallel because the Datum plan that
    : it was made on isa the one that I selected to orient it? Ergh! Any
    : help would be greatly appreciated. Have I done something really stupid
    : and I just don't realize it yet?

    Problems like this reveal the superiority of modelling over drafting and the
    difficulties of working in 2d vs 3d. That's why I decided to never do sectioning
    in drawing mode but to do all of it in the model. Selection of datums, creation of
    views and generally, manipulation of the model is available which does not even
    exist in drafting. Here's a procedure for producing sections which will show
    flawlessly in drawing mode.

    1) Create section datums, then use 'Setup>Names' to rename the datum to something
    like 'Sec-A', anything to indicate the section name you will use it to create.
    Create and rename datums, even it they are 'Through' default datums;
    2) Create the named sections using your named datums;
    3) Create a 'saved view' of each of these sections, named to indicate its use and
    oriented the way you want it to appear in the drawing. If you can create a saved
    view, you will have no problem using it to place a drawing view. Using 'saved
    views' is a much more reliable way of placing a properly oriented view than
    picking datums in 2d drawing mode. Be sure to orient the saved view so that you
    will have a view available for showing the cut plane arrows.
    4) Create 'General' views in drawing mode, not 'Projected' views. A projected view
    offers the possibility that the section cut plane will not be parallel to the
    projected rotation plane. With a general view and placing the drawing view with
    'saved views', this will not arise. The only problem you could subsequently have
    is not finding a view to which the cut plane is normal for placing the cut plane
    arrows. But that problem should be anticipated and solved in setting up the 'saved

    David Janes
    David Janes, Sep 30, 2003
  3. et2piei

    et2piei Guest


    Thank you for the idea, I know that it will make things go smoother in
    the future. I ended up being able to do it but I ha to to it all
    I am doing some work(boat design) for a company in China usually I can
    just send a solid model but they wanted umpteen cross section views.
    Once again thank you.
    et2piei, Oct 1, 2003
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