Help: Can't rename a section in Wildfire

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Catalyst, Mar 3, 2004.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Guest

    After I rename a section, it is showing up OK on drawing, but just changed
    back to the old section name after re-open the drawing. I am sure that I
    have saved the drawing and model.

    Any idea about it? Is it a bug?

    Catalyst, Mar 3, 2004
  2. Catalyst

    David Janes Guest

    : After I rename a section, it is showing up OK on drawing, but just changed
    : back to the old section name after re-open the drawing. I am sure that I
    : have saved the drawing and model.
    : Any idea about it? Is it a bug?
    Probably not a bug. Pro/e's wonderful associativity works best with drawing,
    assembly and all the files opened. You can, for example, edit a dimension and get
    it to change the model, even without opening the model. But, then, you also hit
    the regenerate button, hit automatic and the changes go everywhere. The modified
    dimension changes the object lines in the drawing, showing that the model was
    regenerated with the new dimensions. But when you change the name of a cross
    section, regeneration doesn't even work as nothing was changed that needs
    regeneration. The best thing you can do, when making this kind of change, is to
    open the models/assemblies after you've opened the drawing. When you change the
    drawing, look in the model ('Tools>Model sectioning>Cross sections') to make sure
    that the file has updated with the changes. Then, deliberately save the model and
    drawing. Drawing views are, after all, just windows on the model. If it doesn't
    get changed in the model, the drawing won't show it the next time it goes to the
    model's data set to get the values to fill in parameters like 'section_name'. They
    are not stored in the drawing but in the model and read from it.

    Besides going to the model to check whether data changed in the drawing have made
    it to the model, you will do yourself a big favor by doing this kind of work in
    the model. The same menu area you used for section viewing is also used for
    section creation. Press the button that says 'New', change the name the way you'd
    like it to appear in your drawing. With the section name highlighted, RMB 'New'
    which will bring up the familiar plane selection menu which lets you pick or
    create the cutting plane. When you wish to change the cross hatch spacing or
    angle, hit the 'Edit' button. To make the cross section visible, hit the 'Display'
    button which lets you show the cross section and clip front or back.

    There are also options, like 'save_objects',
    'save_modified_draw_models_only', 'propagate_change_to_parents' which can singly
    and in combination, effect whether something changed in the drawing or assembly
    gets saved in the model. For example, when you have 'save_objects' set to 'all',
    changes in the drawing will get saved in the model because everything gets saved
    when you save the drawing. These you will have to experiment with and find out
    more about over time.

    David Janes
    : Yi
    David Janes, Mar 6, 2004
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