Help adding button

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by geo.nova, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. geo.nova

    geo.nova Guest

    Can someone please tell me how to simply add the zoom extents button
    to the default toolbar (next to the other zoom commands) in autocad
    2006. I could easily do it in earlier versions of autocad but can't
    figure out with this cui.
    Thanks in advance,
    geo.nova, Sep 6, 2007
  2. geo.nova

    sakoguy Guest

    Trying to teach someone the CUI interface is too much to explain in a
    discussion forum. The help files and tutorials in AutoCAD are a decent
    place to start. Print out the appropriate pages and follow the
    Or go to a local book store and buy one of the many books on AutoCAD.
    A book on 2007 will just as good a learning tool for the CUI as one on
    Also search the web for the many AutoCAD blogs. They are a good
    learning resource. Another good source of information is the Autodesk
    discussion forum on AutoCAD. In there you will find threads with links
    to online help that in many cases will have screen shots.
    The bottom line is the only way to learn it is do find as much info on
    it as possible and dive in.
    sakoguy, Sep 7, 2007
  3. geo.nova

    strawberry Guest

    or, for greater productivity, just type "z e "
    strawberry, Sep 7, 2007
  4. geo.nova

    alanjt Guest

    or just double-click the wheel on your mouse.

    i use that and/or this quick little lisp macro:

    (defun c:ZX ()
    (PRINC "\nZoom Extents")
    (command "zoom" "extents" )

    however, the advantage of double-clicking the mouse (or the button in
    your case) is that it's transparent, and won't force you to exit
    whatever command you are already in. buttons are a waste of drafting
    space in my opinion.
    alanjt, Sep 7, 2007
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