Help about multiple documents printing...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Genex, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Genex

    Genex Guest

    Hallo to anyone !
    I've a problem about printing A4 pages in a drawing.
    Now I explain the question:

    inside a created drawing exists several pages in A4 format ( all pages in a
    same model space not in layout ) : how can I plot all pages in one time (
    maybe in AutoList prg, macro or others ? ). ... naturally using maximum
    extension in a A4 sheet for each part of sheet.
    Thanks to all for any kind of help ( links, samples or other way "to do
    it" )

    Genex, Aug 27, 2004
  2. Genex

    Brian Naught Guest

    The best way to go about this would be to create paper space layouts.
    But you can print them all from model space. It is a littel more
    cumbersome, but can be done. You would have to create a named view of
    the printable area for each page to be printed. Then you could create
    a script that would print by view. Something like this might work.
    You would have to edit it for your printer, paper size, offset, etc.
    Don't add anything in the <> brackets.

    yes <detailed plot configuration>
    *plot device.pc3*
    *paper size*
    inches <paper units>
    landscape <portrait or landscape>
    no <upside down>
    view <display area>
    *view name*
    fit <plotted scale or fit>
    0,0 <plot offset (x,y)>
    yes <plot with styles>
    *ploy style.ctb*
    yes <plot with lineweights>
    as displayed <shade plot setting>
    no <plot to file>
    no <save changes to page setup>
    yes <proceed with plot>

    once you get all the variables set, and can produce a good looking
    plot, just repeate the same script with a different view for each one.
    Place everything into one script file and you can print all the views
    with one file. Good luck.
    Brian Naught, Aug 31, 2004
  3. Genex

    Genex Guest

    Thanks for all, Brian, I'll try your script as soon.
    A mountain of thanks...

    Genex, Sep 8, 2004
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