Help 47 yr old man decide on degree?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by me, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. me

    me Guest

    Last year I went back to local community college for
    1st time ever at age 47

    I took 3 hrs per semester. Just stuck my "toe" in it to
    see how it felt.

    It felt "good".

    I took Accounting 101... and then Econ 101. Got "A" in

    This semester I hope to take 6-9 hrs per semester. But
    its getting down to the wire and I must make a decision
    as to where I'm going with this. So I need some
    opinions and advice on what to take class wise.

    My "ultimate" goal in life would be to work for myself.
    To have assets that make me an income. But until then
    I need to add "value" to myself so that when I sell my
    "time" to someone else I can make a
    decent wage.

    I view a college degree as just another "tool" in the
    "toolbox" that I can use if needed. And not something
    that guarantees me big wages. Heck I know people who
    mow grass for a living making big money and have no
    degree at all. Still going back to school is something
    I "want" to do in case this "working for myself" fails
    and I must return to the "work for someone else world".

    Altho I currently work in the engineering dept as a
    "CAD tech"..... sometimes I wonder if engineering is
    all its cracked up to be. I see my bosses who are
    engineers working long hours with very little "respect"
    for their expertise.

    I also have a STRONG interest in computers and

    My original thoughts abt going back to school was to
    get a combo business and IT degree. Something I could
    "sell" to the "man".... but also something that would
    benefit me and my ultimate goal of owning my
    own business.

    But lately I've been "waffling". It was a remark made
    to me by an older retired man who got an accounting
    degree in his younger days. He told me that he
    originally was going for a business degree but the
    counselor said he should get an accounting degree
    instead. When he asked why he was told" cause an
    accountant can be a business man..... but a business
    man cant necessarily be an accountant".

    Well..... I'm wondering if that's true of engineering
    as well. Can an engineer just as easily be a
    production manager but a production manager cant be an

    Bottom line..... I'm leaning towards taking all the
    math and accounting classes I can. To cover BOTH
    fields for the next two years until I make up my mind.

    I would forget the english and humanities and social
    studies until last. Altho I like these subject I have
    to put myself on a fast track since I'm 47 yrs old. And
    I feel I could easily take those classes when things
    "firm up" in my mind where I'm going with this "life

    I'm going back to school one way or another. I've made
    up my mind I'm doing this if I have to take one class
    per semester forever! <G> But I cant afford any dead
    end turns on this path.

    So what say all? Is my logic flawed or does it make
    any sense? That is to study accounting and engineering
    rather than business and IT?
    me, Jul 11, 2005
  2. me

    per.corell Guest

    You shuld be happy that you reached the insight you so openly share,
    there are no doubt that whatever you decide you will get a good life
    ,and read my words age is something that only make it easyer. You can
    much better focus on the real things.
    per.corell, Jul 11, 2005
  3. me

    me Guest

    Well thank you I appreciate that

    But age is working against me a bit as well in that I
    cant make no decisions that are dead end from here on

    Whatever studies I take have to be "viable" as a means
    of living in the future. Yes?

    If yes....I'm nervous abt making the right decision!
    me, Jul 11, 2005
  4. me

    me Guest

    So, find something in healthcare that trips your trigger and earn a modest
    What are your thoughts abt radiology?
    me, Jul 11, 2005
  5. me

    SkiFastBadly Guest

    Take an "English" class, so you would "understand" that one should not use
    "quotes" when they're not "needed".

    But seriously, read Thomas Friedman's "The World Is Flat", that will give
    you insight that you'll never get from a newsgroup.
    SkiFastBadly, Jul 15, 2005
  6. me

    me Guest

    So, find something in healthcare that trips your trigger and earn a modest

    One other thing I looked into but haven't brought up
    yet was radiology tech.

    The local community college I go to has a program to
    become a radiologist. But waiting list is two years

    I learned that there are many branches of radiology
    me, Jul 16, 2005
  7. me

    me Guest

    Do you have any idea why this particular program attracts such demand?

    No.... no I don't Clinton

    Maybe even tho the reading of the digital X-ray picture
    can be done over seas.....someone local STILL has to
    help the patient in/out the machine and take that
    me, Jul 16, 2005
  8. me

    gruhn Guest

    Do you have any idea why this particular program attracts such demand?

    Is the pay good?
    That implies that the people going in to the programs have done their
    research re: job opportunities.
    gruhn, Jul 17, 2005
  9. me

    me Guest

    Do you have any idea why this particular program attracts such demand?
    It's not too bad for this rural area.

    Maybe abt 50k a year.

    But that's for northeast Missouri where pay is low. But
    cost of living is too
    me, Jul 18, 2005
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