helix spiral?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Julian, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. Julian

    Julian Guest

    I have been asked to draw a spiral stair constructed of 5mm plts and a 200mm
    high stringer, I have drawn 1 step and made an assm of it comprising of 6
    steps but I need help with how to draw the stringer so that it can be
    flattened for dxf to laser profiler. I have been playing with the helix to
    try to somehow extrude a line around but not to any success

    any help would be appreciated, thanks

    Julian, Apr 13, 2007
  2. Julian

    matt Guest

    I have a sample of a spiral staircase on my website. I think a few
    people did some similar thing a couple of years back when there was a
    similar discussion on this ng.


    Go to the SW Parts link on the left and scroll down.
    matt, Apr 13, 2007
  3. Julian

    Dale Dunn Guest

    I can think of two possibilities using sheet metal features for flattening
    the stringer. The first is to use a lofted bend. The other option would be
    to use a bend with a radius to match the stringer, then trim the profile to
    suit. Sheet metal experts can chime in if more detail is needed. I don't
    use either of those on a regular basis.

    Dale Dunn, Apr 13, 2007
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