Helix in assy?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Guest, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm trying to create a helix in an assembly, but I guess I'm SOL?

    Creating a worm gear with a right hand lead. The Gear is an anti-backlash
    (gear split in half with a spring) and has to be hobbed as a matched set, so
    I have a fixed and free gear blanks as 2 parts, then assemble and Hob. I
    got everything set and went to create the helix to sweep the gear tooth
    space on and....poop.

    Oh well, the lead is only 1deg, 47' anyway so I think I'll fudge it for now
    as a straight revolved cut. Anyone got a different idea?


    Guest, Jan 4, 2008
  2. Guest

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Put the helix in one of the part models instead of the assembly. The cut-
    sweep will have to be in the part models as well, since that's not
    available as an assembly feature (at least not in 07).
    Dale Dunn, Jan 4, 2008
  3. Guest

    TOP Guest

    An ideal application for an envelope part. Create the helix in a part
    and bring it into the assembly as an envelope.

    TOP, Jan 6, 2008
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