Helical sweep cut, can't dimension

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by M. Heikens, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. M. Heikens

    M. Heikens Guest


    I can't dimension a helical swept cut with anything circular in it.

    For example:

    Extrude circel to round bar
    Sketch circle on edge (thread)
    Construct helix
    Cut-sweep with helix and sketch

    Make drawing
    Insert view
    Insert section view, display only surface etc.

    I see the thread to dimension and get: "the selected entity could not be
    converted into line or circular arc"

    I tried to make a silhouette edge in the part; Select the cut-sweep feature,
    split line, silhouette etc.


    I use SW2003 SP3.1
    M. Heikens, Aug 21, 2003
  2. M. Heikens

    Zander Guest

    You can try in 'insert model dimensions' then if they are in the wrong view
    just shift-drag them into your section view.

    Or show the original sketch involved in the sweep, then dimension the
    sketch entity.

    Zander, Aug 21, 2003
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