Heavy lines

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rudy Kazuti, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. Rudy Kazuti

    Rudy Kazuti Guest

    New to 2005. When I select a plane for sketching the perimeter lines are
    really heavy. Is there a way to lighten them up?

    Rudy Kazuti, Mar 6, 2005
  2. Rudy Kazuti

    P. Guest

    Planes or faces.

    Planes display about the same as previously in 2004. Faces have a
    thickened edge.
    P., Mar 6, 2005
  3. Rudy Kazuti

    Rudy Kazuti Guest

    It's a face. Also when editing a features dimensions the relations such as
    vert. horiz. & so on are shown. Can they be turned off? They can really
    clutter things up.

    Rudy Kazuti, Mar 6, 2005
  4. Rudy Kazuti

    P. Guest

    The heavy line I can't help with and the other has been posted here
    several times. Hint: look through the view menu.
    P., Mar 7, 2005
  5. Rudy Kazuti

    Eddy Lintern Guest

    Are you sketching in "Hidden Lines Removed " view which shows a bold
    component outline. I tend to sketch using "Wireframe" view, which
    shows more lines, but they are thinner.

    Eddy Lintern, Mar 7, 2005
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