Heads up SP 3.0 disappearing drawing views

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by McBurger, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. McBurger

    McBurger Guest

    In SP 2.0 I use to get drawing views that would disappear. The only way I
    could make them come back was to change them to shaded and then back to HLR.

    Now in SP 3.0 They disappear and WILL NOT come back! I have no choice be to
    go back to 2.0 or earlier.

    I'm speechless. Dropping my subscription service renewal this year is going
    to be very temping to say the least.
    McBurger, Apr 20, 2005
  2. this int new it did it in 2003 and also i noticed it in 2004 sp4.2 more

    i wouldnt worry about it it doesnt cause problems and it doesnt do it
    in 2005 sp 2 yet
    mike.mcdermid, Apr 20, 2005
  3. McBurger

    John Layne Guest

    I had the same problem in SP2 -- the main reason I installed SP3 was to
    fix this!

    Haven't been able to make it happen ---yet--- in SP3.

    Note to get around it in SP2 I would change the offending view to Draft
    quality. I have just opened the previously offending drawings and
    changed views back to High Quality with no problem.

    The Drawings were of differing Configurations of the same Sheetmetal
    part. Included in each drawing, is a view showing an assembly of the
    part with PEM fasteners. All Configs were based on a design table.

    In SP 2 the problem seemed to be worse when there were drawing views of
    differing configurations in the same drawing. Or if there were
    interfering parts as is case with some PEM / part assemblies.

    Could you email me the drawing & part? I'd be interested to see if it's
    repeatable -- and what settings you have on.


    John Layne
    Solid Engineering Ltd
    John Layne, Apr 20, 2005
  4. McBurger

    Robin B Guest

    I had the same problem with sp2 and got a simple workaround.

    I just make sure I open the 3D file been drawn before opening the
    concerned 2D files. It seems that many issues with Sw are update
    related and you have to find a way to force the update or at least
    make it easier for the software.

    Robin B, Apr 25, 2005
  5. McBurger

    HumanAmp Guest

    This seems to have been a longstanding Solidworks problem - I've seen
    it since 2003.
    On 2005 sp3, the fix of changing view to shaded and back (or multiples
    from feature manager) seems to do the trick for me - But - - Hello -
    solidworks corp. this is pretty fundamental.... same old story, more
    features - no more reliability.
    HumanAmp, Apr 25, 2005
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