Have you ever noticed.....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    linked notes on the sheet format picking up values from the part in a
    quirky manner. Specifically:

    1. Custom properties filled in with all required information (around
    ten properties)
    2. Config Specific custom properties filled in with placeholder text
    3. Notes tied to part via $prpsheet:{PartNo}
    4. Notes show config specific values "-".
    5. Deleting individual config specific values does not allow
    CustomProperty values to show through.
    6. Deleting all config specific values allows Custom Property values to
    show through.
    7. Adding Config specific custom props one at a time does not now
    override ordinary custom props.

    2004 SP5.0
    TOP, Jun 27, 2005
  2. TOP

    John Layne Guest


    It drove me nuts once trying to figure out what was going on with this.
    A couple of years back working with a new client who used a lot of
    configs but only used custom properties not configuration specific

    I came along using custom property manager and added config specific
    properties this stuffed up a lot of drawings -- it confused the hell out
    of me at the time. So I eventually figured out I needed to copy the
    custom properties to the config specific ones.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Jul 1, 2005
  3. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Somewhere in the software it seemed like there was an all or nothing
    toggle. Arrgh. Another 15 minutes wasted for two engineer's trying to
    figure out something that I don't think is documented very well.
    TOP, Jul 1, 2005
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