
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. Bill

    Bill Guest

    Does anyone know where I can find a hatch pattern for stone siding for some
    architectural elevations?

    Bill, Sep 28, 2004
  2. Gary Lafreniere, Sep 28, 2004
  3. Bill

    Bill Guest

    Thanks Gary
    How long does it take to get the CD?

    Bill, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Bill

    Tom Smith Guest

    How long does it take to get the CD?

    Several notes. First, this software will append the enormously huge hatch
    patterns onto your acad.pat file if you let it, a very poor practice IMHO,
    since the few that you might possibly find useful can be used just as well
    as standalone pat files. Second, none of them looks as good as the freebie
    that Dean pointed you to. There are a bazillion free hatch patterns out
    there, do a Google search. The StoneCAD patterns, IMHO, are all far too
    complex and mostly very ugly. You'll do better searching on the net.

    If you have a Cultured Stone rep in your area they'll bring you a StoneCAD
    disc. I had several dozen before I threw them away. They accunulate like AOL
    sign-up discs.

    Here's one that I wrote, simple and fast. Bear in mind that in terms of
    "architectural elevations," real live architects have never aimed at a
    photorealistic depiction of a material, but simply a shorthand to symbolize
    it. We draw horizontal lines to symbolize brick, for instance, without head
    joints, and never draw double lines in elevation to symbolize mortar joints.
    This is not in any way intended to portray what a specific kind of stone
    will "look like" but only as an architectural abstraction to convey "this is
    a stone wall." You use samples and photographs to select the actual stone.
    (And believe me, the StoneCAD patterns aren't any better than this at
    portraying what a particular stone looks like. They just ugly up your

    0, 0,5, 0,40
    0, 0,10, 0,40, 20,-17,35
    0, 0,13, 0,40, -20,26,-26
    0, 0,18, 0,40, 32,-14,26
    0, 0,22, 0,40, 17,-15,40
    0, 0,25, 0,40, -49,23
    0, 0,29, 0,40, 32,-40
    0, 0,32, 0,40, -32,25,-15
    0, 0,35, 0,40, 32,-14,26
    0, 0,40, 0,40
    90, 3,0, 40,72, -5,5,-25,5
    90, 7,0, 40,72, 5,-13,4,-18
    90, 14,0, 40,72, -5,5,-19,6,-5
    90, 17,0, 40,72, -18,11,-11
    90, 20,0, 40,72, -5,13,-22
    90, 24,0, 40,72, 5,-35
    90, 28,0, 40,72, -35,5
    90, 32,0, 40,72, -13,27
    90, 37,0, 40,72, -5,8,-27
    90, 46,0, 40,72, -10,12,-10,8
    90, 49,0, 40,72, 5,-17,10,-8
    90, 53,0, 40,72, -5,5,-30
    90, 57,0, 40,72, -18,4,-3,10,-5
    90, 59,0, 40,72, -5,5,-25,5
    90, 63,0, 40,72, 5,-5,8,-22
    90, 70,0, 40,72, -18,4,-13,5
    90, 72,0, 40,72, -10,8,-4,13,-5
    Tom Smith, Sep 28, 2004
  5. Bill

    Kent Elrod Guest

    search under Code, keyword hatch

    Kent Elrod, Sep 28, 2004
  6. Bill

    Bill Guest

    The one Dean pointed out is not free...oh well.
    The one you wrote, how do i get that into my pat file?
    Bill, Sep 28, 2004
  7. Bill

    doug k Guest

    i'm sure there are some out there, but i gotta tell ya that the best thing
    i've seen for this is done with superhatch.

    draw your own tileable block of a stone pattern and use superhatch to fill
    the areas. you can get more of a variation that way.
    doug k, Sep 28, 2004
  8. Bill

    Tom Smith Guest

    The one you wrote, how do i get that into my pat file?

    Copy and paste. Make sure there is a hard return after the last line in the
    pat file.

    Better yet, unless/until you find you use it often, simply paste it into an
    empty text file, and save it as stone_elev.pat. The filename must match the
    pattern name given in the file. (And make sure of the hard return, or you'll
    get an error.) Put it somewhere on your Acad search path, and it will show
    up with a preview under the Custom tab in the Hatch Pattern Palette dialog.

    Which is also how you should use any of the StoneCAD patterns in order to
    try them out. Don't let it do its automatic install! If you find you
    actually use a pattern frequently, then you can paste it into your acad.pat.
    I don't do that just to try one out.
    Tom Smith, Sep 28, 2004
  9. Bill

    Bill Guest

    thanks Tom
    Bill, Sep 28, 2004
  10. Tracy W. Lincoln, Sep 29, 2004
  11. Bill

    Tom Smith Guest

    This has the same filename and description, and looks the same as one of the
    StoneCAD patterns, but has an earlier copyright date and differs in scale by
    a factor of 12. Perhaps Stone Products Corp. was bought by Cultured Stone or
    Owens Corning somewhere along the line.
    Tom Smith, Sep 29, 2004
  12. Bill

    teiarch Guest

    Tom Smith: Copied your stone hatch definition and used it on a current project . It was a life saver! Thanks for offering it up.

    I used the boundaries of 3dfaces in my 3d elevations for the hatch boundaries...seemed to work fine... after I remembered (finally) to align the UCS to the face I was hatching.... DUUUUUUH!.
    teiarch, Oct 1, 2004
  13. Bill

    Tom Smith Guest

    Tom Smith: Copied your stone hatch definition and used it on a current
    project . It was a life saver! Thanks for offering it up.

    Glad it helped. It's a simple little pattern, quite the opposite of the
    StoneCAD patterns, which are overly elaborate for my tastes. They also
    "repeat" pretty obviously on a large elevations, which IMHO defeats the
    purpose of having an artsy stone pattern.
    Tom Smith, Oct 4, 2004
  14. Bill

    teiarch Guest

    Tom S: As a follow-up, I just had the opportunity to compare YOUR pattern with the actual stone on the project (which is an addition to existing) and by concidence it's very close to what's there. One day of architecture that went right!

    Incidentally, the hatch was applied on 3dfaces of the 3D elevations I created. Looks great in overhead views.

    teiarch, Oct 13, 2004
  15. Bill

    Tom Smith Guest

    One day of architecture that went right!

    That's always good! Thanks, I'm glad it worked. It's a fairly generic
    pattern. The stone we encounter around these parts is often more thin and
    horizontal, more like the "ledgestone" patterns in StoneCAD, but I haven't
    bothered redoing the pattern yet. Reducing all the y dimensions
    proportionately in the pat would be enough to get the effect.
    Tom Smith, Oct 13, 2004
  16. Bill

    GerDooley Guest

    Hi I tried your hatch but every time I try to use it is says error, what am I doing wrong?

    GerDooley, Jan 17, 2005
  17. Bill

    Tom Smith Guest

    What is the error message? As I said, the usual problem is not putting a
    hard return after the last line in the file.
    Tom Smith, Jan 19, 2005
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