Hatching for Patent Drawings - Adding New Types of Hatching

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Josh Hilgart, Nov 13, 2006.

  1. Josh Hilgart

    Josh Hilgart Guest

    Does anyone know where to get the different hatching patterns that are
    shown on the United States Patent Offices website for Solidworks?
    Refer to the very end of the page of this link:


    Particularly the foam and plastic are not the same as in Solidworks
    hatching file and there are none that are even similar so for the mean
    time I had to manually create the lines and dots to resemble their
    foam/synthetic material hatching.

    I've searched through the site here and another user mentioned that the
    hatch patterns file (sldwks.ptn) is defined the same way as in Autocad
    (acad.pat). So if you need a special hatching, an ACAD file might work.
    However, I havent been able to find any that match what I'm looking

    Does anyone know where to get the hatching similar to the Patent office
    website or how to create or combine the patterns?

    Josh Hilgart, Nov 13, 2006
  2. Josh Hilgart

    Zander Guest

    Good question, I've always had to do hatching for patent drawings
    manually, especially to indicate planar surfaces since it's more of a
    highlight required than an actual pattern.

    Zander, Nov 13, 2006
  3. Josh Hilgart

    kenneth Guest

    you've answered part of this yourself.
    to create, edit the sldwks.ptn.

    here is one for glass (ISO)
    *:501:Glass, Lens Glass
    45, 0,0, .21875,.0625, .125,-.125,.0625,-.500,.0625,-.125
    kenneth, Nov 13, 2006
  4. Josh Hilgart

    Bo Guest

    I would think that SolidWorks would want to include a standard set of
    hatches for patent drafting, and it couldn't be that hard to set up a
    group for that use, and it would certainly be of great help for people
    who make patent drawings.

    Bo, Nov 14, 2006
  5. What do the numbers mean? I know where the file is located but how in
    the world do you go about editing (aside from opening it up it up with
    notepad) to create your own hatch? It doesn't seem that self
    explanatory to me but I could be wrong (i.e. the number sequence).
    I've searched and searched for the AutoCAD files as well but no such

    JH Medical Innovations, Nov 14, 2006
  6. I believe when you open the file in notepad there are some instructions on
    how to edit the pattern or create your own. It isn't terribly easy to
    understand and it would be great if SW created an easy way to develop custom
    hatch patterns. Save the original SW ptn file just in case. If something
    happens to this file SW won't even start up.
    Rob Rodriguez, Nov 14, 2006
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