Has anyone used the "Propa-Gator"?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. Has anyone used the "Propa-Gator"? Tell us what you think. I've been
    thinking about getting my boss to purchase this.
    Not Necessarily Me, Apr 6, 2005
  2. Not Necessarily Me

    Ben Guest

    This program ROCKS! For the cost you cannot do better, (My first run on 1000
    drawings paid for the software, it would have taken me a few days to do the
    same and it took 1hr to do it). Changes Properties, Custom Properties and
    Config Properties, Best of all it lets you change the sheet format of
    Drawings. Quick reliable.... The only thing I think it is missing to make it
    the best app out there is a way to change things like Units and font
    settings as well as arrowstyle on drawings. If the software writer watches
    this group, hint hint hint.....

    LOVE IT!

    Ben, Apr 6, 2005
  3. What exactly is this program?

    Richard Charney, Apr 7, 2005
  4. Not Necessarily Me

    That70sTick Guest

    That70sTick, Apr 7, 2005
  5. Not Necessarily Me

    Ben Guest

    Dont forget the best thing, Swap sheet formats / templates in drawings!
    Ben, Apr 7, 2005
  6. I went ahead and bought the full version. Added 3 custom properties to 639
    part & assembly files in 15 minutes. Already paid for itself. Highly
    Not Necessarily Me, Apr 7, 2005
  7. Not Necessarily Me

    customsolids Guest

    Wow! Thanks, everyone. I will take those suggestions under
    advisement, Ben. Glad it's turning out to be something useful!

    Brenda D. Bosley
    customsolids, Apr 8, 2005
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