
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadguy, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. cadguy

    cadguy Guest

    Hi guys,

    What do you guys recommend for a library of commercial hardware? We
    are using DBWorks and would like to use custom properties information
    in our BOM's.
    Fixtures are where we need it for. Do not need it for injection
    molding. Currently we have been using a small custom library that one
    of the guys made and we keep adding to it.
    What about "Library for Standard Parts" by CadParts, Inc., or
    "SolidParts" by SolidPartners, Inc., or "SolidWorks Toolbox" by SW? Is
    there any different?

    Well thanks in advance.

    cadguy, Feb 2, 2004
  2. cadguy

    Merry Owen Guest

    I have found that most of the libraries I have tried don't have any
    'intelligent' custom properties loaded; therefore, you get a nice looking
    part, but it does not give you the required information for your BOM/drawing
    title. This means you have to open every part and add your own custom

    Having said the above, it must be hard for the library companies to
    determine what custom properties to add - after all, it seems that every
    company wants different info in the BOM.

    I create my own stuff using design tables and use the following custom
    Part Number/Drawing Number

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Feb 3, 2004
  3. cadguy

    3d Guest

    get this:
    to do it quickly

    as well ass the one from trimech:

    you should be able to find a good combo that works fast between the two.

    I use the one from rds because my flow is design part, fill out props (they
    are already in the part temps with xx's as values) then detail. after I get
    one det finished you can suck out the props and blast them into another
    part, usually similar enough I only have to change the det #, maybe finish,
    maybe material, maybe qty reqd. It goes pretty fast that way. The trimech
    version allows you to mass change on a onesy scale. Very useful for things
    like mfg, date completed, detby, desby, checked by, etc. HTH I have heard
    that there is a new solidworks event scheduler to change props but I also
    hear it's kind of clunky.
    3d, Feb 3, 2004
  4. cadguy

    Len K. Mar Guest


    I have to disagree with the following statement:

    At issue is not the underlying information but the format each company
    would like to use. (Other than description, vendor, vendor number,
    manufacturer, manufacturer number, and maybe material/finish/cost -
    there is not a whole lot of extraneous information that needs to be

    All the library companies have to do is create a simple parameter file
    that maps the schema of the database to the custom/configuration
    property of the users SW model. Much like web based part suppliers do
    when they ask you what CAD file format you want to use. This is set up
    once when a new user account is created on the website. Why not ask
    the user how they want to map the database values to
    custom/configuration files.

    Most toolbox type programs generate the configuration of the part you
    want to use on the fly from a database.

    Have the database generate a unique ID that identifies the part. Have
    each supplier supply a table that cross references the unique ID with
    their part number. This could also work with the Vendor information as

    Len K. Mar, Feb 3, 2004
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