Hardware Requirements?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Jan 10, 2004.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    before we do that..what sort/scale of projects do you have in mind?
    neil, Jan 10, 2004
  2. neil

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Neil asked the one simple question, but to expand....

    Are you looking to model just parts, small assemblies or HUGE assemblies?
    Obviously, the bigger, the more RAM you need. For just parts, 512mb will
    work, most of the time. For normal size assemblies you'd need 1gb. For huge
    assemblies, you need 2-3gb (SW 2004 can use 3gb). And the more complex the
    parts are (lots of fillets, curvey things, surfaces), the more RAM you'll

    And, to go with that, the bigger the assemblies, the more disk space you
    will need. Some SW files can get big. There are ways to "compress" them, but
    SW does NOT like folks to do that, and you could (?) ruin a file by doing

    You WILL want a video card with an nVidia chipset on it. Quadro cards the
    better option. Gaming cards are not really recommended. You can check the SW
    website and look at the cards that pass/fail and their limitations. If you
    are looking to do fancy presentations, then you would need a card that the
    SW feature "RealView Graphics" will support. I assume that the SW VAR
    shouwed you the realview graphics, as it is a nice neat marketing

    Ohh, yeah, the faster the processor, the faster your number crunchin'. To
    me, video is the thing to throw the money at. The more you do, the more you
    will need a better video card. Management can see spending a $100-$200 or so
    on more RAM or a hard drive, but you tell them you need a new $500-plus
    video card in 6 months and they are going to freak out.

    Hope it helps...

    Mr. Pickles
    A User Group Leader
    Mr. Pickles, Jan 10, 2004
  3. Hello James-
    More is always better. Remember, every new version of SolidWorks uses more
    system resources.
    Look at AMD Athlon64 processors. Or P4 w/800 FSB.
    2 GB Ram minimum.
    The nvidia FX video cards, 500, 1000, 2000, or 3000.
    Serial ATA Harddrive(s) or at least IDE 133.
    DVD/CD Writer.
    Really, anything less can slow your productivity down by as much as 20%.
    Just take your hourly rate, and you can calculate easily how a quality
    computer can pay for itself quickly.
    I'd budget $2,500 to $3,000.
    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Jan 10, 2004
  4. neil

    neil Guest

    yeah ok but he was asking for a min spec... if he only had limited needs 1.5
    Ghz 512mb Geforce 4 might do. I was trying to size up his work needs....
    perhaps I should have given a full answer : )
    neil, Jan 11, 2004
  5. neil

    James Guest

    Ok just got back from the intro class for SolidWorks. Looks great. I tried
    using DesignCad 3D more times than I want to think about. Solidworks looks
    and feels 'from what I saw/played with' to be the one to go with. Boss is
    also mostly convinced also YEA!

    Now for the hard part. What would you all here say is the minimum
    requirements for a machine to run SW on?

    As I have to convince the money man it's needed not just wanted..
    Processor, memory, video card, etc.

    James, Jan 11, 2004
  6. neil

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Here's what I would consider a good choice these days for most of what you'd
    be doing in Solidworks. I don't really think in terms of minimums. If you
    had extra large models or assy's you'd know it and would add accordingly.
    Mind you I'm an AMD fan but the P4 at higher clock rates does kick some
    butt. And IMHO Dell is about the best "retail" choice you can make...

    According to their website as of 1-10-04 11:09pm


    Dell Precision Workstation 360
    .. Intel P4 2.8Ghz
    .. windows xp, no extra software selected
    .. 1Gb DDR400 Ram (some sort of free upgrade; don't get less)
    .. Nvidia Quadro FX500 video card (one of the best bang for the buck)
    .. 80Gb 7200rpm HD selected (larger is typically faster)
    .. cdrw drive (it's 2004 - you gotta have one)
    .. your choice of free printer or digital camera, etc.
    .. floppy drive selected (sorry, I just gotta have one)
    .. no keyboard or mouse selected
    .. no speakers selected
    .. no monitor selected

    Good Luck!!

    - Eddy Hicks
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 11, 2004
  7. neil

    Dennis Guest

    Dennis, Jan 11, 2004
  8. neil

    Smiley Guest

    I was intriqued by the domain in your E-mail address, because I do
    puppetry as a serious hobby. However, when I went to howdydoody.net,
    I got the following web page Culture
    Smiley, Jan 13, 2004
  9. neil

    Eric Swartz Guest

    The fastest you can get... P-IV, 3 Ghz, at least a gig of RAM and
    nothing less than a Quaddro FX500 video adapter. You can go faster on
    the processor... but the extra money for the 3.2 vs. the 3 isn't worth

    Eric Swartz, Jan 13, 2004
  10. neil

    Edge Guest

    Does anyone know if the Quadro FX 500 is a better card than the 750xgl?
    Edge, Jan 14, 2004
  11. neil

    Daniel Guest

    The 750XGL is faster

    Daniel, Jan 16, 2004
  12. neil

    pope Guest

    Dug this up on a search.

    We buy Dell's for everything here, including shipping them out OEM
    with our instrument. We also buy them for CAD and all the other stuff
    we do here. So I want to continue to a stock DELL, but make sure it
    is geared for CAD.

    Why the Precision over the Dimension? With equal processor, RAM,
    Video card is the Precision still a better call? Could you explain

    Also if anybody else is having good luck with a DELL and SWX, please
    quickly jot down a few details so it can help me decide what we need.
    We just had a new DELL 2.3Ghz with 512RAM and that stupid Nvidia NVS
    card that was a dog.


    pope, Jan 30, 2004
  13. neil

    Brian Lawson Guest

    James, I dont want to put a spanner in the works, but if you are going
    work with assemblies or have more that one SWX installation you should
    really look into how you are going to manage data/revisions ect. IMHO
    a PDM system is a upfront requirement when implementing SWX.


    Brian Lawson, Jan 30, 2004
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