Grrr...Units with IGES Import

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joel Moore, Jun 25, 2003.

  1. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    Can anyone explain what the &*@#$ is going on here:

    I have an IGES of an assembly exported from AutoCAD that I need to import
    into SW. After the first attempt it was obvious the units are screwed up.
    I see no way of scaling an assembly in SW so I jump on the web and learn
    how to edit an IGES file's units. Change "2HIN" to "2HMM".

    Sounds simple, right?

    Then why does SW create identical models for both versions of the IGES?
    Comparing the The IGES import .err file shows that SW recognized the
    correct units in both cases but for some reason it always interprets the
    dimensions as inches.

    I'm running SW 2001Plus with SP6.

    Thanks for any help

    Joel Moore
    Joel Moore, Jun 25, 2003
  2. I have seen this fixed by directly editing the iges file. In the case I
    saw, It had something to do t\eith the export, not the import.

    Sorry I can't even be more specific on how the edit was made.

    How about just import it, apply a scale feature of the appropriate amount?
    If you really want, you could then export to parasolid and bring it back
    in - at the right size.
    Tracey Parker, Jun 26, 2003
  3. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    If it was just one part then that would work for us, but if the IGES is an
    assembly of dozens or hundreds of parts it would be a major pain. You
    can't scale assemblies.

    Although, now that I think of it, it probably wouldn't be that hard to
    write a macro to do this. The assembly would still be screwed up since the
    parts in an imported IGES assembly are positioned relative to some
    coordinate system (i.e. no relations).

    Anyway, we happened to have an ACIS file of the same assembly that had no
    unit information in it. In this case SW prompted us for the units.
    Problem solved...for now.
    Joel Moore, Jun 27, 2003
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