grread I think???

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jojo, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. jojo

    jojo Guest

    I am trying to do two things with one pick. I want to select an object, and then use the point that I picked to select the object in a getdist command.

    So i set it up like this :

    (setq pt1 (grread nil 2))
    (setq l1 (ssget ":S"'((0 . "LINE"))))
    (setq w1 (getdist pt1 "Side : "))

    But it doesn't work...I don't know how the grread ting works at all...and the help file is pretty unhelpful...any suggestions?
    jojo, Nov 22, 2004
  2. Use ssnamex instead
    Marco Jacinto, Nov 22, 2004
  3. jojo

    jojo Guest

    could you give me a little more to go one than that? I don't know how to use ssnamex...
    jojo, Nov 23, 2004
  4. using the (entsel) will return the object picked and the point picked as
    well, i don't think you can use this with grread though.... you can try
    (nentselp) which i use with my grread commands to select an object that the
    mouse is over eg.

    (setq RESULT (grread T 4 2))
    ;;;gets the position of the cursor, can also get user input from keyboard
    (while (= (car RESULT) 5)
    ;;; while the user hasn't clicked a mouse button do this
    (setq DRAGPOINT (cadr RESULT))
    ;;; actual cordinate value

    (setq obj (car (nentselp DRAGPOINT)))

    (setq delaynum1 1)
    ;;; delay for somereason, i have no idea why, but it doesn't work without it
    (while (< (setq delaynum1 (+ delaynum1 1)) 100) (princ))

    (setq RESULT (grread T 4 2))
    ;;; duplicate code here

    (setq obj (car (nentselp DRAGPOINT)))

    (setq DRAGPOINT (cadr RESULT))
    ) ;while

    hope this helps



    and then use the point that I picked to select the object in a getdist
    the help file is pretty unhelpful...any suggestions?
    Mark Dubbelaar, Nov 23, 2004
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