Greetings from a student.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Brendan, Dec 31, 2003.

  1. Brendan

    Brendan Guest

    Hello All,

    In the first semester for an A.O.S. Degree in Architecture.
    Frankly, I've been a woodworker in a Union Millhouse (or should I say
    Millhouses) for about 20 years. The Hands on stuff is great except
    I just had Carpel tunnel surgery in one hand and need it in the other
    as well.
    This is from all the Wood clamps, Routers, Palm sanders, etc, etc.
    A couple of years back I had the opportunity to Hand Draft on the
    boards doing
    Millwork Details, shop drawings and such. But the place went under
    and couldn't find a job Board Drafting for as much money as I could
    going back into a shop to Fabricate. At that time I think version R13
    was new and it was all foriegn to me. So 7 years later I'm Finally
    going to do it right and get a degree. I hope to find a job maybe in
    Manhatten I live On the Island.
    I had a Basic Cad course a year ago but didn't really devote enough
    time to it for it to get through my Thick Irish skull.
    If I learn to Draw with cad the things I was drawing by hand
    There'll be no stopping me People will flock from all over just to
    gaze in awe of my Talent.....ohh...sorry...Getting my irish up :)~
    well anyway,
    Hope I meet some nice folks in here,

    Health n Laughter,
    Brendan, Dec 31, 2003
  2. Just a thought.... won't working on a computer 8+ hrs/day aggravate your
    carpel tunnel? I know my wife has mild c.t. and she can't work at the
    computer for more than about an hour without taking a break to rest her
    wrists/hands. Thinking that using the mouse was the big problem we got her
    a trackball but that wasn't any better (though maybe there's something
    better out there).

    Anyway, just wanted to make sure you've considered this. Welcome to the

    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Dec 31, 2003
  3. Buying a mousepad with a raised gel pad for the bottom of my wrist has
    eliminated the small problem I was getting .....

    Going into private practice also meant that I was spending fewer hours
    drafting. (ironically?)
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 31, 2003
  4. What's A.O.S.? Does the degree lead to "professional" standing in NY?
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 31, 2003
  5. Brendan

    Brendan Guest

    Associates in Occupational Studies, It is a degree in Architecture
    and accredited by NYS albeit the entry level degree but transferable
    I think to a university would only be 30 credits toward a BArch. I did
    however find that Dowling College, which is a Teaching College here on
    the Island, Would accept the full 60 credits Toward a Masters in
    I probably won't go any further at this point in my life solely for
    the reason that I don't want to be Heavily in student loans in my mid
    I think I have MUCH to offer any serious Millhouse in NY and will do
    Financially with it. as for the Carpel Tunnel... Yea this is a
    serious consideration... The Track ball is working out real well and I
    expect in the trade there'll be less and less Hand drawing which is
    what really starts to stress the hand(Lettering). I was Happy to see
    Responses to my post.
    I have Much to learn in this field especially Autocad but we aren't
    going to touch on that until about September 04. I have access to
    Acad 2k
    at a friends place and have it at work on one of the CNC machines I
    have a folder at that computer that has a few of my Practice Drawings
    on it.
    My main stumbling block as I try to teach myself is the scale, well
    maybe not the scale so much as "Paper Space" & "Model space"
    Viewports I mean Setting up a drawing to be full scale I know set limits for more than you need and just draw
    all your items in actual size but how is this plotted out to be in
    scale say....3"=1'-0", or 1/2"=1'-0"?
    Any help would be appreciated... I'ld love to have a jump
    on some of this.

    Happy New Year!!!!
    Health n Laughter!
    Brendan, Jan 1, 2004
  6. Brendan

    Brendan Guest

    Heh Not as much as big ol nasty Belt sanders, Nail guns Screwguns and
    Machine clamps will LOL!! See I had CT Real Bad.. Not Bragging or
    macho crap I mean I couldn't feel My hand anymore. Its MUCH better
    since the surgery..Just not fully healed inside yet though getting
    better and stronger.

    I know my wife has mild c.t. and she can't work at the
    Brendan, Jan 1, 2004
  7. Brendan

    Cadalot Guest

    Hi Brendan

    OK welcome into the Snake Pit that is AutoCAD.......

    Check out my web site, look at the AutoCAD Links Page, you will find
    an article by Mark Middlebrook all about scale and he has others on
    the Cadalyst web site about paper(later called layout space) and model

    Also look at my FAQ Page there are links there on the subject as well.

    Best Regards & Happy New Year

    Alan (Cadalot)

    Cadalot, Jan 1, 2004
  8. Brendan

    CW Guest

    The scaling issue is rather easy once you see it. Rather than try to
    explain, I will second the recommendation that you go to the Cadalot site.
    It is well worth seeing and there is lot's of information there and the
    links he provides.

    CW, Jan 1, 2004
  9. Brendan

    Brendan Guest

    The More I read ... The more Questions I come up with LOL!!!

    Brendan, Jan 1, 2004
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