Greatest Benefit of SWks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    What is the best SolidWorks benefit of all (not that it excludes other
    3D apps)?

    SolidWorks has given me the freedom to take a laptop wherever and
    whenever I need to do solid modeling, and completed a good set of
    tools for mobile work. SolidWorks management inherently recognized
    that fact when they set up their EULA.

    That can't be underestimated. I remember the days with multiple 6
    foot drafting tables, 81/2 x 11 yellow pads full of notes and sketches
    and calculations. Solid modeling on laptops for me since 2000 has
    been a godsend.

    Even if you only use the laptop inside "the company", it means you
    don't have to keep schlepping back to your office to "get things".

    It is easy to miss the essence of major changes, and not recognize
    true overall "value". Some would say that is why certain companies
    become major players, and others don't. Companies other than Apple
    could have done what Apple did, but they didn't.

    SolidWorks enables opportunity in 3D design very well. Nothing is
    perfect, but I can get the job done in SWks fast and well done.

    Bo, Sep 14, 2007
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