Graying out Menu Items

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Guenther Sohler, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. Hallo Group,

    I have extended the menus in our schematic composer using

    hiAddMenuItem(parentmenu newmenuitem)

    however, i see that most of the existing menus gray out, once
    you put the schematic in read-only-mode.

    How does this mechanism work and how can I also add this feature to the
    newly added items ?
    Guenther Sohler, Nov 17, 2005
  2. I haven't tried this, it's just out of the
    docu, but it seems to fit.

    Yea the docu you know it this pretty thing
    where commands are explained ;-).
    By the the way do you know the SKILL finder
    it's a kind of online SKILL reference which is my
    first place to go in such cases.

    Try it just type in 'startFinder' in your CIW
    input pane.

    => t | nil

    Grays out menu items (s_itemHandle) on pull-down, pop-up, or fixed menus
    (r_hiMenu), making them unselectable.

    Bernd Fischer, Nov 17, 2005
  3. Dear Mr. Fischer,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I know about the


    Command from the Documentation.(I do read it)
    But probably I did not express myself properly.

    If I select Design->Make Readonly,

    cadence grays out a lot of MenuItems in the schematic Composer.
    But it does not gray out my newly added MenuItems.
    Is there a list of menuitems to gray out whenever you select Make
    ReadOnly, Make Editable ...

    Is there a special mechanism behind it ?
    Guenther Sohler, Nov 17, 2005
  4. Not tested and not 100% sure, but I think a
    a post install trigger can do the job.

    procedure( myPostinstallTrg( args )
    when( args->accessMode == "r"
    hiDisableMenuItem( ... )



    PS: Mr. Fischer makes me feel real old.
    Bernd Fischer, Nov 17, 2005
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