GPOLY now it can find boundary gaps...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Luis Esquivel, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. I uploaded to the customer-files GPOLY that is similar to what bpoly does,
    but with more features, please read the instructions on the "GPOLY
    readme.txt" and "gpfuzz.txt" files.

    I have 25 free copies available, the program runs as full working demo for
    15 days.

    Use this e-mail address to send me the unique KEY 1 generated for your

    Have fun,
    Luis Esquivel, Apr 5, 2005
  2. Here is a little more info....

    GPOLY is a project I wrote in AutoLISP/VisualLISP/ODCL/VB/ARX that you can
    use to generate boundaries, the program recognize nodes/intersections, so,
    no need to break any object.

    You can use a FUZZ variable to setup the compensation for comparing possible
    nodes/intersections that might form an enclosed area.

    Also, it comes with the ability to show possibles gaps/leaks of an enclosed
    area, before creating the boundary.

    And more.... please, read the text files once, you do the installation.
    Luis Esquivel, Apr 5, 2005
  3. Luis Esquivel

    Don Reichle Guest

    Hey Gang (& Luis by extension);

    I "bit" and I'm glad XP was kind enough to stop the installation and report
    that the executable was potentially harmful. Having experience with a addon
    of this type before is how I worked up the nerve to give it a try.

    My thanks to Uncle Bill for adding the ability to XP to trap harmful

    Don Reichle
    "King Of Work-Arounds"
    1GB RAM
    Intel 64MB
    Don Reichle, Apr 6, 2005
  4. Don,

    Why are you saying that?

    No way I would do such thing.... can you tell me more about what is exactly the HARMFUL part you are mentioned, please.

    And in case, you want to know about me, please ask here, or I can give to you my phone number of my office, I have no problem with that.

    Best regards,
    Luis Esquivel.
    Luis Esquivel, Apr 6, 2005
  5. And Don Reichle

    I also have windows XP on my personal and at all the computers in my office too.

    I have norton antivirus, weeb root spy sweeper... this application has been installed in many computers, the last one was for an office of 58 stations, and I have not got any comment coming from them.

    I can provide also the e-mail of the CAD Manager of that company to you, they are ZIUR S.A in Madrid Spain, where I provide my services as a consultant to them, just to mention one.

    Why are you calling me GANG ?.... and Luis EXTENSION ?
    Luis Esquivel, Apr 6, 2005
  6. Luis Esquivel

    James Allen Guest

    Hi Luis, it looked like he was addressing a "warning" to the group at large
    (GANG) while recognizing that the message also pertains to you (by
    EXTENSION) since your name is on it.

    Stepping out on a limb here... this looks to me like a simple case of
    bad-stuff-catching software simply looking at methods used or even just file
    extensions and warning the user that the code COULD be malicious. I
    think that key word is too often missed, as in cases of false positives on
    legitimate code.

    For what it's worth, I personally would trust code with your name on it.
    It's not like you're just some noname that popped into the group to push bad
    code on us.
    James Allen, EIT
    Malicoat-Winslow Engineers, P.C.
    Columbia, MO

    been installed in many computers, the last one was for an office of 58
    stations, and I have not got any comment coming from them.
    they are ZIUR S.A in Madrid Spain, where I provide my services as a
    consultant to them, just to mention one.
    James Allen, Apr 6, 2005
  7. To all,

    I would like to explain what is exactly inside of the EXE file I have for my
    application GPOLY

    1. The wizard installation was made using Inno Setup 4

    2. A Visual Basic installer that I wrote to place the menu and the support
    path for the vlx file on all the AutoCAD's in the target PC, this program
    does changes into the registry as normal procedure any other application
    will do.

    3. I use my own VB active-x control to generate unique key number per
    computer, this to avoid at possible piracy.

    4. My own ObjectARX functions inside of the files "draftteam15.arx" and

    5. The files "ObjectDCL2004.arx" and "ObjectDCL.arx" made by 3rd Day
    Software and I own an Enterprise version of ODCL.

    6. GPOLY.DLL is a simple resource DLL to storage the icons for the toolbar.

    7. And the support text documents

    8. The GPOLY.VLX that includes my proprietary code.

    I accept al type of comments about my CODE and to my SOFTWARE, I know I am
    not perfect, I try to do my best and by the way I am not a professional
    programmer, even I have worked in the past for two software companies as
    aprogrammer I am not, I am an Architect register in Mexico and I work here
    in California now for an architectural office as a project coordinator and I
    had been in the architectural and civil engineering business for 32 years

    Best regards,
    Luis Esquivel
    Luis Esquivel, Apr 6, 2005
  8. And I know after the statement Don did about my application, no one would
    like to give it a try, but no problem, I will upload in the
    customer-files.a ZIP file with all the files, and let the user made the
    installation manually.

    Luis Esquivel, Apr 6, 2005
  9. And *that* will keep you from getting off the ground as long as you hold
    that mentality. You think CAD Managers want to spend the time
    necessary to do that on dozens or hundreds of stations?

    When an application costs thousands of dollars I can somewhat understand
    (and so can the average user), but when its a low cost utility?.

    Terry W. Dotson, Apr 6, 2005
  10. I know Terry,

    That was a good VB exercise for me, anyway I quit trying to sell my software
    and I'm giving it for free for now, I might take that out in the future, all
    I want it, was to provide an alternative decent solution for a few people
    interested, and simple want it to have control for this, and also this even
    is not a perfect solution I have spent a lot of effort writing this code, it
    is very complex at least for me.

    Again thank you for your comments,

    Luis Esquivel, Apr 6, 2005
  11. I completely trust Don Luis Esquivel, he is one of the best help sources
    here at the discussion groups
    Mis dos centavos, si de algo sirven....
    Elvis Landaverde, Apr 6, 2005
  12. Luis Esquivel

    Don Reichle Guest


    The Gang was meant for all the rest of the browsers here, not you

    "By extension" was meant as a way to include you.

    And my version of XP Home stopped your executable from installing, which I
    took as its way of protecting me from something possibly harmful.

    I'm not one who hides their email address so you could have contacted me in
    private if you had wanted to go that route.

    Don Reichle
    "King Of Work-Arounds"
    1GB RAM
    Intel 64MB
    Don Reichle, Apr 7, 2005
  13. Luis Esquivel

    Don Reichle Guest

    Well, this is the first I've seen his name associated with the LDT DG, and
    so maybe anybody who knows my background on that particular DG can see my

    With no fanfare whatsoever, this post pops up in that DG regarding an
    improved version of Bpoly. Being a rather trusting sort I thought I would
    give it a try, as I've always wanted an improved tool along those lines.

    So imagine my chagrin when it wouldn't even clear the installation
    "watchdog" in XP Home. And seeing that Luis hides his email address I had no
    other recourse but to broadcast my attempt. If I get the chance I will most
    often address these types of matters privately.

    And I'm still waiting to hear from those who've had a successful attempt
    with said executable.

    The monkeying with the registry version that Luis has posted is not
    something that most folks would feel comfortable attempting for a tool with
    a unproven track history.

    I wish I would have been able to give a glowing report for Luis after a
    successful installation and trial, but as it is...

    Don't get into despair over my showing the yellow card, get back in the game
    and fix whatever's wrong and give it another go, amigo.

    Estoy apesadumbrado de haber causadole apuro. Acepte por favor mi apologĂ­a.

    Don Reichle
    "King Of Work-Arounds"
    1GB RAM
    Intel 64MB
    Don Reichle, Apr 7, 2005
  14. Luis Esquivel

    Joe Burke Guest


    Just my two cents...

    I think you had an alternative other than, "no other recourse..." which was say
    nothing until you knew more about Luis. All you had to do in that regard was list
    messages from him in this newsgroup. What you would have found is tons of messages on
    many topics most often aimed at helping people. Seems like common sense to me, when
    posting something like this to a NG you are not familiar with.

    I won't debate the fine points of the installation, "watchdog", or Luis' code. What I
    feel inclined to say is you insulted one of the most respected and well liked persons
    in this NG, based on questionable evidence.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Apr 7, 2005
  15. Luis Esquivel

    Doug Broad Guest

    Well said.
    Doug Broad, Apr 7, 2005
  16. Luis Esquivel

    Doug Broad Guest

    Hiding email addresses on this forum is the only way any of us can avoid
    the avalanche of spam that occurs otherwise. Don't assume that the
    lack of a posted email address means "untrustworthy."

    I made the mistake of posting my email until the spam count got to 300-400
    messages a day. Had to change email addresses myself.
    Doug Broad, Apr 7, 2005
  17. Don,

    My last comment on this, I ask already the removal of my threads for GPOLY,
    hope they can do it as soon is possible.

    And just to point that I never hide my email here is the original post I

    I uploaded to the customer-files GPOLY that is similar to what bpoly does,
    but with more features, please read the instructions on the "GPOLY
    readme.txt" and "gpfuzz.txt" files.

    I have 25 free copies available, the program runs as full working demo for
    15 days.

    Use this e-mail address to send me the unique KEY 1 generated for your

    Have fun,

    If you notice, my e-mail address was there, I do not provide my personal
    e-mail address I use, simple because I had have in the past to many spam
    mail, sometimes 2400 spams in one day.

    And GPOLY is not an improved version of BPOLY, for that I need the source
    code and as far as I know is part of the core now of AutoCAD.... what I did
    I started from scratch is a mathematical solution using calculus,
    integration, derivations, boolean operations among other things, and have
    spent more than two years on it... maybe is not good enough, like the people
    of Tovna did [gbound], but I did my best.

    Have a nice day,
    Luis Esquivel, Apr 7, 2005
  18. Luis Esquivel

    Don Reichle Guest

    "Hide in plain sight".

    As I've said already...


    I will now go back under the carpet from whence I came.

    Don Reichle
    "King Of Work-Arounds"
    1GB RAM
    Intel 64MB

    Don Reichle, Apr 7, 2005
  19. Luis Esquivel

    Don Reichle Guest

    To All Concerned;

    I've been informed of the error of my ways, and I respectfully ask that you
    ignore my post above. Apparently the problem lies with something buried
    within my XP Home Security Setup.

    To the Deskers;

    Luis has informed me that he would like to get all reference to Gpoly pulled
    from the site. While I wouldn't care to over-write his wishes, I would ask
    that you leave it on the site and not pull it based on one person's less
    than perfect experience with the installation file he initially posted. I'm
    going to attempt to install it manually per his generous instructions.

    Thanks for listening.

    Don Reichle
    "King Of Work-Arounds"
    1GB RAM
    Intel 64MB
    Don Reichle, Apr 7, 2005
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